50 artificial intelligence statistics to know

Since the arrival of ChatGPT at the end of 2022, more and more people have started using artificial intelligence (AI). Companies are investing more in research and developing strategies to use these new tools safely and effectively.

Artificial intelligence continues to amaze with its capabilities and potential. It acts as a catalyst for businesses and individuals around the world. This helps them save money and find new growth opportunities.

We’ll explore some important AI data that will show why it’s so popular in 2023 and how businesses can use it to do better and make more money than others.

These artificial intelligence statistics will tell you what businesses and individuals think about these tools and help you decide how to use them in your own work.

Table of Contents

Artificial Intelligence Growth Statistics

1- In 2022, more companies adopted AI compared to 2021

In 2022, more than 35% of companies have already adopted AI, four points more than the previous year. More and more businesses are adopting AI as it becomes easier to add it to business processes, and businesses can perform more tasks.

2- eMarketer predicts that more than 20% of Americans will use ChatGPT at least once a month in 2024.

eMarketer’s assessment of ChatGPT’s projected usage in 2024 highlights a significant increase in adoption of the technology by more than 20% of Americans. This estimate reveals a clear trend toward more frequent use of AI for conversational interactions, indicating that people are increasingly accepting these tools in their daily lives.

This statistic highlights changing consumer expectations for conversational technology, predicting a significant increase in the regular use of ChatGPT for a variety of tasks and needs.

3- Accessibility and cost reduction are the main drivers of AI adoption

Reducing costs through AI is becoming increasingly critical for its widespread adoption. Businesses are constantly looking for ways to improve their profitability, and reducing operational costs is becoming a significant advantage.

By using AI technologies to automate processes, optimize operations and reduce labor expenses, organizations are finding a compelling case to invest in this emerging technology.

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4- ChatGPT reached 100 million users as quickly as any other application.

In February 2023, the chat.openai.com website had an average of 25 million visitors per day.

5- The GPT-3 was originally trained with 45 terabytes of data.

The 45 terabytes of data used to train GPT-3 illustrate the amount of work required to power advanced AI models. Such quantities of data allow models to address a variety of topics, deepen their understanding of language, and generate more relevant and accurate results. This highlights the critical importance of scale and diversity of data in training successful AI models.

6- By 2030, the global AI market is expected to reach $1,591.03 billion with an average annual growth statistic of 38.1%.

It is predicted that by 2030, the global artificial intelligence market will reach US$1.59103 billion, with an average annual growth rate of 38.1%, showing an exponential growth trajectory. These forecasts show a bullish demand for AI-based solutions, leading to significant market expansion.

This sustained growth rate demonstrates the continued adoption of AI across many industries, reinforcing its critical role in global digital transformation and its impact on existing business models.

7- 46% of adults Americans believe that AI systems are being developed too quickly.

There are differences between political parties, with 41% of Democrats saying AI is developing too quickly, compared to 52% of Republicans.

8- More than 100 million people in the United States will use generative AI by 2024.

By 2025, this number is expected to reach 116.9 million. eMarketer predicts that by 2025, more than half of Americans aged 12 to 44 will use generative AI.

9- 96% of leaders say that generative AI is a hot topic of discussion with their board of directors.

96% of executives believe that generative AI is a major topic of debate within boards, a statement that highlights the scale of the technology’s expected impact on decision-making at senior levels.

This statistic highlights the broad recognition of generative AI as a key driver of business innovation and growth, demonstrating its central role in companies’ strategic discussions to shape the future and remain competitive in the market.

10- 45% of leaders say that ChatGPT’s notoriety has pushed them to increase their investments in AI.

Generative AI is a new technology that allows machines to generate human-quality content, translations and codes. The business community has shown strong interest in the technology, with 45% of executives saying ChatGPT’s reputation has inspired them to increase their investments in AI.

11- In May, the Biden administration announced an investment of 140 million dollars to launch seven new national AI research institutes.

The Biden administration allocated $140 million in May to create seven new national research institutes focused on artificial intelligence, emphasizing the importance of advancing this strategic technology.

This government initiative aims to strengthen resources and research capabilities in the field of artificial intelligence, affirming America’s commitment to innovation and competitiveness in this critical area.

12- This leads to 25 the total number of national institutes of AI research in the United States.

The US National Science Foundation (NSF) has affirmed the creation of four new national AI research institutes. These new institutes, located in Alabama, Colorado, Oregon and Virginia, bring the total number of national AI research institutes in the United States to 25.

13- 66% of adults around the world say that AI-related products and services will significantly change their lives in the next three to five years.

Around 66% of adults worldwide expect their lives to undergo major transformations in the next three to five years thanks to AI-related products and services.

This broad recognition highlights widespread expectations of the profound impact of artificial intelligence on all aspects of daily life, including work, leisure, health and consumption, and shows the inevitable importance of the evolution of this technology in the near future.

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AI Usage Statistics

14- Companies use more AI that consumers

Business buyers also view AI as more important, with 65% saying it is the most important technological advancement of their lifetime, compared to just 42% of consumers who feel the same .

15- 30% of IT professionals say their colleagues use AI and automation tools to save time.

30% of IT professionals say their colleagues use artificial intelligence and automation tools to speed up tasks, indicating a growing adoption of these technologies to increase efficiency. This sentiment reflects IT professionals’ desire to leverage AI capabilities to automate processes and improve operational efficiencies, thereby strengthening the position of these tools in the business technology landscape.

17- 27% of customers use technology daily of voice assistant AI

Voice assistants have become an important differentiator for businesses. In fact, more and more customers are using this technology, and businesses that don’t offer it risk finding themselves lagging behind competitors who can use voice assistants to improve the customer experience, provide more personalized service and obtain a competitive advantage.

18- Large businesses are 100% more likely to use AI than small businesses, but 41% of small businesses are currently developing AI strategies.

It has been observed that large businesses are twice as likely to use AI as small businesses, while 41% of small businesses are currently developing an AI strategy, highlighting a significant but stark contrast in the adoption of AI.

Although AI is more widely used in larger companies, the proportion of smaller companies investing in AI-related strategies is significantly higher, indicating their growing desire to use this technology to drive innovation and growth in more constrained environments.

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19- Companies use AI to deal with shortages labor and environmental challenges

Investing in artificial intelligence is a strategy for businesses to always remain competitive in a changing world. This technology brings endless benefits to businesses, particularly in terms of efficiency, productivity and customer satisfaction.

20- 35% of organizations train and qualify their teams to use new AI and automation tools.

The finding that 35% of companies are implementing training and retraining programs for their teams to master new AI and automation technologies demonstrates a considerable effort to support employees in adopting these tools.

This statistic highlights a growing awareness of the importance of continuing education to adapt to technological developments, demonstrating the commitment of organizations to prepare their staff for the changes that are looming in the world of work.

21- Software holds 39% of shares of the AI ​​market

Software representing 39% of the AI ​​market share underlines the strategic importance of this category in AI. This statistic highlights the dominance of software as a key pillar of AI, highlighting its role in developing, managing and optimizing AI capabilities used across a variety of applications and industry sectors.

22- 58% of Americans are aware of ChatGPT, but only 14% have already tried it.

ChatGPT is trusted by 58% of Americans, but only 14% have used it, highlighting a difference between recognition and direct experience of this platform. This statistic shows that the American public is quite familiar with ChatGPT, but also reveals relatively low usage. This suggests that there is potential for usage growth once more people have hands-on experience with this technology.

23- 21.4% of all Americans who use generative AI are aged 25 to 34. They are therefore the biggest users of generative AI, followed by 35-44 year olds (19.3%) and 18-24 year olds (14.0%).

It has been observed that people aged 25-34 make up the largest user group of generative AI in the United States, accounting for 21.4%, reflecting the high adoption of this technology among young people. This statistic demonstrates the enormous appeal of generative AI among this age group, indicating heavy use and familiarity with this technology among young Americans.

24- 67% of adults say they understand what AI is, but only 51% know which products and services use it.

Two-thirds of adults have a good understanding of what AI is, but only half know which products and services use it, highlighting a gap between conceptual understanding and recognition of the specific applications of this technology.

This statistic reveals a high level of theoretical understanding of AI, but also a need for more specific information regarding the areas where this technology is being implemented.

AI statistics in the UK

25- 40% of companies develop AI internally

Companies that develop AI in-house are better positioned to take advantage of the opportunities offered by this technology. Indeed, AI can help increase efficiency, reduce costs and better meet customer needs.

26- 15% of companies British use at least one AI technology

A small number (15%) of UK businesses are using at least one AI technology, highlighting the low level of adoption of this innovation, which is not yet widely adopted. This statistic reflects the trend of a small number of companies integrating artificial intelligence into their processes, indicating opportunities for growth and innovation in how companies leverage this emerging technology.

27- The IT and law sectors display the adoption percentages highest AI rates in the UK

The UK’s IT and legal sectors have the highest AI adoption rates, showing the proactive and innovative approach these sectors are taking to technological advancement. These areas leverage artificial intelligence to optimize processes, provide more efficient services and increase competitiveness. This early adoption highlights the ability of these industries to anticipate and adapt to technological developments.

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AI for marketing statistics

28- Among marketers already using generative AI, 76% said they use it for content creation basic and for writing texts.

For basic content production and copywriting, 76% of marketers use generative AI, highlighting its essential role in these areas. This statistic reflects the widespread adoption of AI for marketers’ content generation needs, illustrating its usefulness for creating high-quality copy across a variety of marketing strategies.

29- 47% of marketing experts do trust in AI for ad targeting

Marketing experts often trust AI for the following key activities:

  • Advertising targeting;
  • Personalization of content in real time;
  • Email optimization;
  • Conversion calculations.

30- 62% of consumers are comfortable with generative AI in marketing and advertising, as long as it doesn’t affect the overall experience in a negative way.

62% of consumers are happy with generative AI in marketing and advertising as long as it does not negatively impact the overall experience, highlighting their preference for using this technology to improve rather than degrade their interactions with consumers, products or services.

This statistic highlights the conditional acceptance of generative AI, underscoring the need for businesses to integrate this technology in a careful and user-friendly manner.

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31- 64% of consumers are convinced to buy a new product recommended by generative AI.

64% of consumers are willing to purchase products recommended by generative AI, highlighting the positive attitude towards the technology’s recommendations. This statistic highlights consumers’ growing trust in AI-based recommendations, highlighting the increasing frequency with which people use these recommendations to guide their purchasing choices.

32- 16% of organizations use AI to sentiment analysis.

Only 16% of organizations implement sentiment analysis via artificial intelligence, indicating that the technology is not being fully used to understand customer reactions and sentiments. This low ratio could indicate an opportunity for companies to further explore artificial intelligence to improve their understanding of consumer sentiment and adjust their strategies accordingly.

33- 53% of managers IT companies who say their organization uses generative AI beyond ChatGPT use it for marketing and advertising.

The use of generative AI by 53% of IT managers for marketing and advertising shows significant adoption of this technology to drive the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. This highlights AI’s ability to help businesses create relevant and engaging content, thereby strengthening the relationship with consumers and increasing business performance.

34- Likewise, 57% of American adults feel comfortable with AI targeting advertising to shoppers, and only 13% feel “not at all comfortable” with this use of AI.

57% of U.S. adults are comfortable with AI serving ads to shoppers, indicating widespread acceptance of this approach to ad personalization. However, the 13% who feel “not at all comfortable” may need clearer communication about how data is used to target ads to overcome concerns about privacy and manipulation .

35- In organizations, 23% of marketing professionals compared to 54% of IT professionals using AI.

The fact that only 23% of marketing professionals in organizations use AI, compared to 54% of IT professionals, highlights the significant differences in AI adoption between these two groups. This may indicate the need for specific strategies to encourage and facilitate AI adoption by marketing teams in order to remain competitive in a changing environment.

36- 41.29% of marketing specialists see an increase in their turnover thanks to AI in the field of email marketing

41.29% of marketers believe that AI in email marketing has led to revenue growth, highlighting the value of technology in driving financial growth. This statistic demonstrates that AI can enable better segmentation, more effective automation, and improved personalization of email campaigns, leading to positive business outcomes.

37- 29% of companies are already using or considering using AI for natural language processing (NLP) for marketing purposes.

29% of companies are considering or already implementing artificial intelligence for natural language processing (NLP) for marketing purposes, indicating that the technology is moving toward wider adoption. This highlights the growing importance of understanding customer needs and preferences through text data, providing the opportunity to run more effective and targeted marketing campaigns.

38- 26% of organizations use AI for marketing and sales, while 22% specifically use conversational AI or virtual assistants.

26% of organizations use AI in their marketing and sales activities respectively, while 22% focus on conversational AI or virtual assistants, indicating differences in the use of AI to address business needs. different customer communication and engagement needs. This highlights the emergence of different strategies to leverage the benefits of AI in these areas.

Artificial intelligence statistics and results

39- 58% of specialists Marketers whose companies use generative AI for content creation demonstrate the benefit of increased performance.

58% of marketers believe that the main benefit of generative AI for content creation is improved performance, highlighting the importance of this technology for optimizing marketing campaigns. This involves more efficient use of resources and higher quality results through automated processes, helping to improve the performance of communications with customers.

40- As for role of generative AI in recruitment, 68% of hiring professionals are optimistic or cautiously optimistic.

68% of recruiting professionals are optimistic or cautiously optimistic about the impact of generative AI, affirming the positive attitude towards this emerging technology. This shows that recruitment professionals see the potential of generative AI to reduce bias, speed up processes and identify the best candidates more effectively.

41- Through the use of AI in IT, business or network processes, 54% of organizations achieve savings and efficiency gains.

For 54% of organizations, applying AI to IT, business or network processes represents an opportunity to save money and increase efficiency. This statistic highlights the added value of AI in optimizing operations, reducing costs and improving efficiency, resulting in positive business outcomes.

42- Managers hope that customer engagement and satisfaction improve by 9% within three years through the use of generative AI.

Executives estimate that customer engagement and satisfaction will increase by 9% thanks to generative AI, demonstrating their confidence in the technology’s ability to strengthen customer relationships. This prediction suggests that customer experience will be significantly improved, highlighting the potential impact of generative AI on loyalty and satisfaction.

43- 52% see improved IT performance or network.

Recognition of the effectiveness of AI in these areas is found in the fact that 52% of executives saw improvements in IT or network performance. This statistic highlights the positive impact of artificial intelligence on IT operations, demonstrating increased efficiency, reliability and speed in the management of organizations’ networks and IT systems.

44- 67% of leaders do not expect generative AI to significantly disrupt their industry.

The fact that 67% of executives do not expect generative AI to cause major disruption in their industries suggests a level of stability in their respective industries. This may indicate confidence in the ability to integrate AI without causing major disruption, or perhaps an underestimation of its disruptive impact.

45- 69% of leaders assume that AI will be the source of the emergence of new professional roles.

69% of leaders expect new job roles to emerge thanks to AI, demonstrating their vision of evolving skills needs. This suggests that dedicated positions focused on AI and technology should be created, reflecting the need to adapt and prepare for AI-driven changes.

46- 48% see a better customer experience.

The finding that 48% saw an improvement in their customer experience highlights the positive changes felt by a significant number of people. This may indicate the successful implementation of a new customer service strategy, technology or approach within the company. A better customer experience can increase loyalty, customer satisfaction and company reputation. This statistic therefore shows that efforts to improve interactions and relationships with customers have a positive impact.

Machine learning and AI statistics

47- Only 44.2% of companies have implemented data governance

Implementing data governance remains a challenge for most companies, with only 44.2% having taken this critical step. This highlights a general lack of structure and strategy in data management, which can compromise the security, compliance and operational efficiency of these companies.

48- The global machine learning market is expected to increase by 42.08% (CAGR).

The global machine learning market is expected to grow by 42.08% and is expected to expand significantly. This trend reflects a shift towards wider adoption of AI, indicating growing confidence in the benefits it can bring to efficiency, decision-making and innovation across all industry sectors.

49- Most companies use 20 to 50 data sources to power their AI

Here are the most common data sources businesses use to train and inform machine learning technologies:

  • 21% of companies use 20 to 50 data sources;
  • 19% of companies use fewer than 20 data sources;
  • 18% of companies use 51 to 100 data sources;
  • 17% of businesses don’t know how many sources they use.

50- Learning automatic displays high accuracy rates

Several large companies are already using machine learning to analyze data. Here are some of their results:

  • Machine learning predicts stock movements with 62% accuracy;
  • Machine learning predicts mortality in COVID-19 patients with 92% accuracy;
  • Google’s machine learning program can predict breast cancer with 89% accuracy.


Since the emergence of ChatGPT in 2022, artificial intelligence (AI) has been widely adopted, with more investment going into research. Figures show that AI is booming in 2023, providing businesses with exceptional growth opportunities.

This data helps us understand how businesses and people view AI. Using this information, businesses can make intelligent decisions to integrate these tools into their work, stay competitive, and anticipate the future with an informed strategy.

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