71 Blog Stats You Should Know

I admit that I have difficulty understanding the current situation of blogs. For this, I tried to list and analyze the best statistics on the state of blogs this year.
But so as not to keep it for myself alone, I am sharing it with you in the form of an article.

If you want to discover a certain statistic, look no further. Go to the section that seems most relevant to you.

But first, let’s start with the stats that I consider to be the most important.

Most interesting statistics about blogging

I have compiled a list of the most relevant statistical data on blogs this year. These figures are as follows.

In 2020, the number of bloggers was 31.7 million in the United States (Statesman).

En 2020 le nombre de blogueurs etait de 317 millions aux Etats Unis

In the world, out of a sample of 1.9 billion websites, there are more than 600 million sites intended for the publication of articles (Hosting Tribuna). 

Dans le monde sur un echantillon de 19 milliards de sites internet il existe plus de 600 millions

Long blog posts can be ideal content for appropriating backlinks or backlinks. These articles receive on average 77.2% of links than short content (Backlinko). 

Les longs articles de blogs peuvent etre les contenus ideals pour lappropriation du backlinks ou de

When it comes to blogging, there is a correlation between word count and backlinks. For articles of 1,000 words, we notice a positive correlation between backlinks and article size. But for articles longer than 1,000 words, backlinks and word count have a negative correlation (Ahrefs). 

Au niveau du blogging il existe une correlation entre le nombre de mots et les backlink

With articles that are 2,000 words, there is a positive correlation between organic traffic and content size. On the other hand, for content that exceeds 2,000 words, a negative correlation is observed between organic traffic and the length of the article (Ahrefs). 

Avec les articles qui contiennent 2%E2%80%89000 mots il existe une correlation positive entre le trafic org

Blog content allows bloggers to achieve good results. This was confirmed by 77% of bloggers (Orbit Media)

Les contenus de blogs permettent aux blogueurs davoir de bons resultats

Bloggers who publish enough content most often report strong and satisfying results (Orbit Media).

Les blogueurs qui publient assez de contenu rapportent le plus souvent des resultats solides et sati

The best results are found among bloggers who insert more than 10 images in each of their published content (Orbit Media).

On retrouve les meilleurs resultats chez les blogueurs qui inserent plus de 10 images dans chacun de

According to an article in Chicago Tribune, more than half of the links published on social media, or 59%, are published without being read. But the fact that Twitter encourages users to read articles before sharing them has allowed Internet users to consult articles in these links 40 times more often (Vox). 

Dapres un article du Chicago Tribune plus de la moitie des liens publies sur les medias sociaux

More than half of users are interested in reading blog articles. Which gives a rate of 77% of Internet users (Social Media Today).

Plus de la moitie des utilisateurs sinteressent a la lecture des articles de blogs. Ce qui donne un

Content marketing plays an important role in growing a business. 73% of marketers use it in their lead generation. 64% of these specialists report that they use content marketing to generate sales and profits (Content Marketing Institute).

Le marketing de contenu joue un role important dans le developpement dune entreprise

Content marketing increases the quantity and improves the quality of business services. This has been proven by 74% of business owners who say content marketing increases their business (Cleanse).

Le marketing de contenu augmente la quantite et ameliore la qualite de services des entreprises

Most marketing experts, 60%, believe that content marketing helps generate customers or leads (Content Marketing Institute).

La plupart des experts du marketing soit 60 estiment que le marketing de contenu permet de gener 1

Current blog statistics

What is the state of blogs now? To answer this question, take note of these figures which may surprise you.

The majority of American Internet users prefer blog posts to emails. To do this, they spend three times less time on emails than on blogs (Social Media Today).

La majorite des internautes americains preferent les articles de blogs que les courriers electroniqu

WordPress receives at least 60 million blogs on its server. Tumblr, for its part, manages nearly 518 million blogs (Hosting Tribunal).

WordPress recoit au moins 60 millions de blogs sur son serveur. Tumblr quant a elle gere pres de 5

The simplest way to manage websites is to use the WordPress tool. This tool hosts at least 42.8% of websites (W3 Tech).

Le moyen le plus simple pour la gestion des sites web est lusage de loutil WordPress. Cet outil he

Every month, more than 70 million new posts are shared on WordPress (WordPress).

Chaque mois plus de 70 millions de nouvelles publications sont partagees sur WordPress

Per month, approximately 77 million new comments are added to articles on WordPress (WordPress).

Par mois environ 77 millions de nouveaux commentaires sont ajoutes aux articles sur WordPress

In 2020, blogs are used by 89% of marketers. These marketing experts use it in their content strategies (Content Marketing Institute).

En 2020 les blogs sont utilises par 89 des marketeurs. Ces experts du marketing en font usage dan

Global content marketing is set for a $417.85 billion boom. This economic growth will be achievable in the interval of 4 years, i.e. from 2021 to 2025 (ReportLinker).

Le marketing de contenu mondial doit connaitre un essor de 41785 milliards de dollars

Published content must be accessible to users. This allows Internet users to spend the maximum time on the content. But if they encounter obstacles while reading the content, it is likely that more than half will end their consultations (Adobe).

Les contenus publies doivent etre accessibles aux utilisateurs Cela permet aux internautes de passe

Most buyers, 44%, say they use three to five pieces of content from the provider before doing business with the provider. In this case, the blog articles must be of quality in order to increase the rate of prospects and visibility. (Demand Gen Report).

La plupart des acheteurs soit 44 declarent quils utilisent trois a cinq elements de contenus du

Statistics on blog size and pace

What should blog articles contain? How many words should a blog post contain? What is the appropriate pace for publishing an article?

These questions are usually asked by bloggers. So, we have listed statistics on the length and frequency of blogs. This data will allow you to have precise answers to these concerns.

During the week or month, at least 50% of bloggers post articles on social networks (Orbit Media).

En semaine ou par mois au moins 50 des blogueurs mettent des articles en ligne sur les reseaux so

Writing a good blog post takes at least four hours (Orbit Media).

La redaction dun bon article de blog dure au minimum quatre heures

1,416 words is the number of words a blog article should contain on average (Orbit Media).

1%E2%80%89416 mots cest le nombre de mots quun article de blogs doit contenir en moyenne

Content of less than 1,000 words is easy for Internet users to read. This was confirmed by 75% of the public (Contently).

Les contenus de moins de 1%E2%80%89000 mots sont faciles a lire par les internautes. Cela a ete confirme par

Among Internet users, only 27% read blog articles in depth. On the other hand, the remaining 73% read publications without interest (HubSpot).

Parmi les internautes seulement 27 parcourent les articles de blogs de facon approfondie

When the reading time of an article exceeds seven minutes, most visitors no longer value the content. We are talking about the drop in engagement for publications (AVERAGE).

Lorsque la duree de lecture dun article depasse sept minutes la plupart des visiteurs naccordent
1 Statistiques sur la taille et le rythme des blog

Guest blogging statistics

Guest blogging allows you to create and obtain quality links on a large scale. It also allows bloggers to be exposed to a large audience.

93% of editors decide to maintain or increase the quantity of guest articles they plan to publish (Influence & Co.).

93 des redacteurs decident de maintenir ou daugmenter la quantite des articles invites quils pre

In a month, when 7% of bloggers submit at least 100 blog posts, 50% of them reach out to more than 10 contacts in order to obtain a guest post (ReferralRock).

Dans un mois au moment ou 7 des blogueurs presentent au moins 100 articles de blogs 50 dentre

Per month, nearly 60% of bloggers write one to five guest posts (ReferralRock).

Par mois pres de 60 des blogueurs ecrivent un a cinq articles invites

Before a guest content can be published, the average amount is $77.80 (Ahrefs).

Avant quun contenu invite ne puisse etre publie le montant moyen est de 7780 dollars

87% of bloggers tend to come up with their own guest post ideas. But among the latter, just 52% are responsible for writing these publication ideas (ReferralRock).

2 Statistiques sur le guest blogging

Blogging ROI Statistics

Are blog posts really beneficial to bloggers? Is this a reality or an illusion? Go through these statistics to get a clear idea of ​​blog performance.

In the United States, bloggers take care of the editors’ commission. Around 40% of these commissions are the responsibility of blogs (Loan).

Aux Etats Unis les blogueurs se chargent de la commission des redacteurs. Environ 40 de ces commi

Out of a 100% sample, 67% of bloggers find their profits, while the remaining 33% have no income (TechJury).

Sur un echantillon de 100 67 des blogueurs trouvent leurs benefices alors que les 33 restant

Through affiliate products, services, advertisements, sponsored product reviews and online courses, bloggers make a large part of their profits (RankIQ).

A travers les produits affilies les services les publicites les revues de produits sponsorises et

The company Adthrive or Mediavine allows 72% of bloggers to have $2,000 per month as income. These bloggers use Adthrive or Mediavine as their ad management company (RankIQ).

La societe Adthrive ou Mediavine permet a 72 des blogueurs davoir 2%E2%80%89000 dollars par mois comme re

Google AdSense and affiliate marketing are the most well-known monetization methods among bloggers. However, the AdSense method is often questioned by high-income bloggers. The latter rank it third, because they are 2.5 times more likely to sell their services themselves than through Google AdSense (GrowthBadger).

Google AdSense et le marketing daffiliation sont les methodes de monetisation les plus connues chez 1

The vast majority of low-income bloggers do not market their products. Only 8% of these bloggers market their services. However, in one year, nearly 45% of bloggers who market their own products earn more than $50,000 (GrowthBadger).           

La grande masse des blogueurs a faible revenu ne met pas leurs produits sur le marche

The most profitable niche site is the food blog. Unlike other blogs in all major niches, food blogs earn the highest monthly income. It is estimated at $9,169 (RankIQ).  

Le site de niche le plus rentable est le blog culinaire. Contrairement aux autres blogs de toutes le
3 Statistiques sur le ROI des blogs

Blog Title Statistics

David Ogilvy thinks that the majority of Internet users spend enough time on the title of articles. On average, more than five users read the title of the article more carefully than the content.

He adds that bloggers can easily spend 80% of their time writing the blog title. So what are the statistics on blog titles?

Before publishing, 91% of bloggers write nearly six drafts of blog titles (Orbit Media).

Avant la publication 91 des blogueurs redigent pres de six brouillons de titres de blogs

Long article titles get a lot of social shares. Titles between 14 to 17 words outperform shorter titles with 76.7% shares (Backlinko).

Les longs titres darticle obtiennent un grand nombre de partages sociaux. Les titres compris entre

The question mark helps titles get more social shares. Headlines presented in question form have 23.3% more social shares. (Backlinko). 

Le point dinterrogation permet aux titres dobtenir plus de partages sociaux. Les titres presentes

Statistics on blog format and content

In the sales market, competition continues to intensify between bloggers. It is then necessary to offer content that arouses the interest of consumers. How should bloggers create quality articles?

For details, refer to this statistical data presented on the format and content of blogs.

New searches are done and shared by 41% of bloggers (Orbit Media).

Les nouvelles recherches sont effectuees et partagees par 41 des blogueurs

Among bloggers, only 26% work with editors, while the remaining 74% focus on their articles (Orbit Media).

Parmi les blogueurs seulement 26 travaillent avec les editeurs tandis que les 74 restants se c 1

The quality of the articles is considered the first factor of success. Bloggers who have a high income tend to promote the quality of their content. Which is generally not the case with low-yielding bloggers (GrowthBadger).

La qualite des articles est consideree comme le premier facteur de succes

For each blog post, bloggers insert at least two images into the content (Orbit Media).

Pour chaque article de blogs les blogueurs inserent au moins deux images dans le contenu

When the loading time of an article exceeds 5 seconds, it causes the loss of 90% of the audience (Google).

Lorsque le temps de chargement dun article depasse 5 secondes cela provoque la perte de 90 de l

Poorly written, overly long and wordy articles are less interesting content for users (Adobe).

Les articles mal ecrits trop longs et verbeux sont des contenus moins interessants pour les utilisa
4 Statistiques sur le format et le contenu des blogs

Social media and blog post statistics

Sharing articles on social media increases blog traffic. So how can bloggers maximize them to generate more traffic to their blogs?

  1. To optimize social sharing, the recommended word count for content is 1,000 words to 2,000 words. However, for articles that exceed 2,000 words, we see that the ROI decreases during shares (Backlinko).
5 statistiques sur les medias sociaux et sur les articles de blogs

Blog posts can be published at any time. Social shares are evenly distributed between days of the week and posts published (Backlinko).

Les articles de blogs peuvent etre publies a tout moment. Les partages sociaux sont repartis

Social sharing refers to the notion of content virality. They can amplify the visibility of blog articles. But among the articles published, only 1.3% benefit from 75% of social shares (Backlinko).

Les partages sociaux renvoient vers la notion de viralite de contenus. Ils peuvent amplifier la visi

Blog article SEO statistics

Bloggers mainly seek visibility. They can get consistent, passive traffic to their blogs by ensuring that published articles show up regularly in search engines.

How blogging works allows bloggers to achieve solid results. To do this, 71% of bloggers try to update their old content. On the other hand, the remaining 29% neglect updating their old articles, which sometimes makes their blogs inactive (Orbit Media).

Le fonctionnement des blogs permet aux blogueurs dobtenir des resultats solides 1

Search engines have allowed Internet users to have the best experiences on the Internet. These search engines are efficient software for online queries. They generate nearly 68% of sites usable by users (BrightEdge).

Les moteurs de recherche ont permis aux internautes de vivre les meilleures experiences sur internet

The average article that is on the first page of the SERPs is about two years old (Ahrefs).

Larticle moyen qui se trouve sur la premiere page des SERP date denviron deux ans

Web pages that appear in the top 10 search results also appear in this ranking for approximately 1,000 other keywords relating to the query (Ahrefs).

Les pages web qui apparaissent dans le top 10 des resultats de recherche figurent egalement dans ce

Nearly 93.3% of published articles are not ranked in the first search pages. Only 5.7% of published articles end up in the top ten search results. But the classification of these articles is done in the year following their publication (Ahrefs).

Pres de 933 des articles publies ne sont pas classes dans les premieres pages de recherche

The most important source of traffic is SEO. This statement was confirmed by 71% of bloggers (Orbit Media).

La source de trafic la plus importante est le referencement. Cette affirmation a ete confirmee par 7

The number one source of traffic for bloggers who earn at least $50,000 per year is organic search on Google. These bloggers attach great importance to SEO. On the other hand, bloggers with low performance don’t really take SEO into account. (GrowthBadger).

La premiere source de trafic des blogueurs qui gagnent au moins 50%E2%80%89000 dollars par an est la recherc

Generally, the more backlinks a page has, the more organic traffic it receives from Google (Ahrefs).

Generalement plus une page a de backlinks plus elle recoit du trafic organique de Googl

The web pages that get search traffic from Google are few and far between. Nearly 90.63% of pages do not receive this traffic (Ahrefs).

Les pages web qui obtiennent le trafic de recherche de Google sont en nombre reduit

85% of bloggers rely on keyword research (Orbit Media).

85 des blogueurs se basent sur la recherche de mots cles

The Flesch score is a way to make articles easier to read and to rate (between 1 and 1,000) the readability of the text. On the other hand, it has no correlation with the positioning of the articles (Ahrefs).

Le score Flesch est un moyen qui facilite la lecture des articles et qui permet de noter entre 1 et
6 Statistiques sur le referencement des articles de blogs

Blog Post Marketing Statistics

In what ways can your blogs become visible in the marketing market?

Bloggers who maintain relationships with influencers get good results (Orbit Media).

Les blogueurs qui entretiennent des relations avec les influenceurs obtiennent de bons resultats

The best known channels for generating blog traffic are social networks (Orbit Media).

Les blogueurs qui ont un revenu de plus de 50%E2%80%89000 dollars par an a travers leurs blogs utilisent dif

Email marketing is used by 66% of bloggers who direct users to their blog posts. These articles are also promoted on social media by 97% of bloggers (Statesman).

Le marketing par e mail est utilise par 66 des blogueurs qui orientent les utilisateurs vers leurs

70% of bloggers who have a monthly income of at least $50,000 make their blogs visible through social networks. Unlike the 14% of low-performing bloggers who don’t really consider promoting their blogs (GrowthBadger).

70 des blogueurs qui ont un revenu mensuel dau moins 50%E2%80%89000 dollars rendent visibles leurs blogs

Bloggers who earn more than $50,000 per year from their blogs use different email collection methods. This method allows them to get enough subscribers. This is often not the case among low-performing bloggers (GrowthBadger).

Les blogueurs qui ont un revenu de plus de 50%E2%80%89000 dollars par an a travers leurs blogs utilisent dif

In summary

So ! Now you have an idea of ​​the current state of blogging.

And as you can see, this is a part of the web which is still booming and which allows for a fairly significant ROI when it is well deployed.
I hope this content can help you.
See you soon !

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