37 Social Network Statistics to Know

In the past, social networks were generally aimed at young people. But today, this is no longer the case, because they are used by all people regardless of age.

In a short time, social networks have taken over the daily lives of Internet users and web professionals, to such an extent that they have more than 4.48 billion Internet users today compared to 2.07 billion in 2015.

Considering these numbers, social media can prove to be a real opportunity for businesses looking to increase their online presence. They must include these platforms in their marketing strategy.

If you are not always convinced of the value of social media for the growth of your business, there are a multitude of statistics which show how essential these media are today.

In this article, I have gathered the main trends in social platforms and how they are already contributing to the growth of many online businesses.

Table of Contents

What can you know about a social network?

A social network is an online site designed to allow people to come together so that they can share information, publish photos and videos. People who are on social platforms can use them for personal or professional purposes.

For example, most individuals prefer to use social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and TikTok to communicate, talk about their lives and have fun.

On the other hand, professionals prefer to use social networks as Yammer, Linkedin AndSocialcast. We often find marketers, business leaders, etc. on these platforms. They use it for their online business and in their marketing strategy.

This allows them to increase their traffic from campagnes Social Media Marketing (SMM), an SEO technique used to promote a brand on social media.

les reseaux sociaux en ligne aident les utilisateurs a 1

Source : Clockwise

Statistics on the use of social networks

Social networks are used by a multitude of people, whether young or old. For this, it is important that we discover some data regarding the use of social media.

1. On average, social networks are used by 4.62 billion Internet users

More than 4.62 billion people already use social media while the global population is estimated at 7.67 billion. This shows that more than half of the population uses social networks. (Hootsuite)

1 En moyenne les reseaux sociaux sont utilises par 4 62 milliards d internautes
le numerique autour du monde en octobre 2020 1

Source : Startupbons

2. Most Internet users spend almost 2.5 hours on the internet

In 2012, the duration of use of social networks by Internet users was 1h30 min. But over the years, the time spent on these platforms has increased considerably and users usually spend more than 2 hours on these platforms. (Statesman)

2 La plupart des internautes font pres de 2h30 sur internet

3. 95% of Internet users have used social platforms during the past month

3 95 des internautes ont utilise les plateformes sociales durant le mois ecoule

A study that looked at whether participants visited social media in the past month found that 95% of participants had used these platforms.

Even more astonishing, 98 % of people aged 16 to 64 visited social media in the past month. In other words, almost everyone old enough to buy your product connects to social platforms.

4. Most people have at least 8 social media accounts

The majority of Internet users have more than 8 accounts on social networks. It should still be noted that most of these accounts are often inactive. 

4 La plupart des personnes ont au moins 8 comptes sur les medias

5. 66% of employees use social media to communicate with their colleagues

Since their appearance, social networks have been popular means of communication in all fields of activity. In the professional world, nearly 66% of employees communicate with each other via these social platforms.

Although they make use of these social media, 92 % of employees admit that email remains the ideal channel for communicating in the workplace.

Overall, these figures presented in this section show how Internet users use social networks in their daily lives.

5 66 des salaries font usage des medias sociaux pour communiquer avec leurs collegues

Social Media Marketing Statistics

Companies tend to integrate social networks into their marketing strategy. This section presents data on social media marketing.

6. Nearly half of users are looking for a product on social networks

According to a report from GlobalWebIndex released in 2020, 50% of young people aged 16 to 24 search for products on social networks.

Companies that put their products on these media can therefore help consumers in the choice and purchase of these products.

6 Pres de la moitie des utilisateurs sont a la recherche d un produit sur les reseaux sociaux 1

7. In 2020, advertising spending increased by 35%

The majority of companies implement marketing strategies to maximize their performance on the web. They pump out enough substance in social media ads. This is why spending on social advertising has jumped by 35 % from 2019 to 2020.

7 En 2020 les depenses publicitaires ont augmente de 35

8. Nearly 69% of marketers consider social media to be the effective way to build awareness of a business

Social marketing is used by most marketers (69%) in order to raise awareness of their brand among their target audience. With social platforms, they manage to increase their visibility and increase their click-through rate.

8 Pres de 69 des specialistes du marketing considerent les medias sociaux comme le moyen efficace

In other words, social media marketing helps businesses achieve their awareness goals. (Startupbons)

les principaux objectifs des specialistes du marketing en matiere de medias

Source : Startupbons

9. The big challenge for social marketers is to identify and reach their target audience

At the beginning, the social marketers considered the return on investment as their main challenge. But identifying and reaching their audience have become their priority.

9 Le grand defi des experts du marketing social consiste a reperer et a atteindre leur public cible

By effectively reaching their target with social ads, they will easily be able to increase their output.

Artboard 14

Source : Startupbons

10. About 49% of consumers often abandon companies that don’t respond to their query

Internet users are looking for information that can meet their expectations. Therefore, it is necessary for businesses to address their customers’ concerns so as not to drive them away.

Otherwise, don’t be surprised if you lose your users. This is why as a business you need to reconsider your customer service efforts (Sprout Social).

10 Environ 49 des consommateurs abandonnent souvent les entreprises qui ne repondent pas a leur r 1

11. 10.57% of followers are on social networks to be informed of new products and services

Consumers have always expected social marketers to do advertising campaigns for new products. This could allow them to generate sales techniques for their brands. (Sprout Social)

11 10 57 des followers sont sur les reseaux sociaux pour etre informes des nouveautes en matiere 2
les principaux objectifs des specialistes du marketing en matiere de medias

Source : Startupbons

12. Companies that work with influencers get at least $5.78 in ROI

THEinfluencersare those which have an impact on the decision of Internet users based on their exposure on the net. They set up a marketing d’influence For :

  • Promote a brand;
  • Identify the target audience;
  • And collect information about it.
12 Les entreprises qui travaillent avec les influenceurs obtiennent au moins 5 78 dollars sur le RO 2

In fact, the majority of companies that use these influencers as part of their marketing campaign have the possibility of obtaining a return on investment close to 5,78 dollars

5 78 la valeur moyenne des medias gagnes

This can serve as a clue as to whether collaborating with a given influencer is profitable for you.

In short, the statistics presented in this topic are important to network marketing experts and can help them better understand trends in this area.

Statistics on the social network Facebook

Facebook is the leading social platform. Here are the stats about this network worth noting.

13. On the social network Facebook, around 2.7 billion users are active

Facebook is one of the most popular social platforms. This has been proven from research conducted on the site We Are Social in 2020, where almost 2.7 billion Internet users use it regularly.

13 Sur le reseau social Facebook environ 27 milliards dutilisateurs sont actifs

14. With ads, Facebook has an advertising reach of 2.14 billion internet users

Facebook is a platform that allows advertisers to reach their target audience through advertisements. Just recently, these Facebook ads reached a very impressive figure of 2.14 billion Internet users.

14 Avec les annonces Facebook a une portee publicitaire de 2 14 milliards d internautes 1

15. On average, across all industries, Facebook’s buzz or engagement rate is 0.064%

Buzz marketing or viral marketing is one of the most effective techniques for measuring the success of a business.

So if you want to know the success of your social campaign, the engagement rate(0,064%) that Facebook offers can help you measure the performance of your business.

15 En moyenne dans tous les secteurs d activites le taux de buzz ou dengagement de Facebook est
engagement sur facebook

Source : RivalIQ

16. More than half of American Internet users, or 52%, use Facebook as a source of information

Facebook seems to be the network most used by Internet users. In fact, more than 52% of Americans are present on this platform to have quality information.

In other words, these consumers are on Facebook to be informed about:

  • Current topics;
  • Brand updates;
  • Advertising announcements;
  • Etc. 

For comparison, only 14 % people are there to get information and 1% are on Tik Tok to recharge their batteries.

17. Facebook videos have an engagement rate of 6.15%

The videos are some of the best types of content that are posted on Facebook. This shouldn’t surprise you, as they generally keep people on Facebook’s platform. (Statesman)

16 Plus de la moitie des internautes americainse soit 52 utilisent Facebook comme source d inform

18. On Facebook, videos in the square format are viewed by Internet users more than landscape videos by 35%.

Due to the large number of mobile users on Facebook, square videos are much more seen and get more buzz than landscape format videos

18 Sur Facebook les videos sous le format carre sont plus visualisees par les internautes que les 1

According to the research carried out by the company Buffer, landscape videos are less viewed by Internet users than square videos.

nombre moyen de vues par message video

Source : Startupbons

19. Nearly 80% of Facebook users access the network’s platform only through their mobile device

Facebook is easy to use on smartphones. That is why 98,3 % of consumers use it on mobile devices. On the other hand, only 1.7% of the remaining Internet users access this social platform from their computer.

19 Pres de 80 des utilisateurs de Facebook accedent a la plateforme de ce reseau uniquement via le 1
utilisation des appareils des utilisateurs de facebook dans le monde entier en octobre 2020

Source : Startupbons

20. Facebook traffic is usually high around 12 p.m.

For your content to be seen by users of the Facebook social platform, it is preferable to put your articles online on Wednesdays and Thursdays, precisely in the interval of 11 a.m. to 2pm 

Right now, the majority of Internet users are online. This can help you achieve a higher engagement figure (Sprout Social).

20 Le trafic Facebook est generalement eleve dans les environs de 12h 1

Statistics on the social network Twitter

In this part, you will have some data that addresses how people use this social networking service.

21. Nearly 340 million users are on the social network Twitter

There are no exact figures on users ofTwitter, because it is not on its platform. Certainly we have a better estimate of those who have a advertising reach. These latter are numbered 340 millions.

21 Pres de 340 millions d utilisateurs sont sur le reseau social Twitter

22. Per day, at least 500 million tweets are published

22 Par jour au moins 500 millions de tweets sont publies 1

In one day, many people tweet and send them to the social network Twitter, either 6 000 tweets per second.

23. Around 87% of Twitter visitors also use Facebook

Generally, Internet users are on several social platforms. Despite being on Twitter, more than 87 % are still on Facebook.

23 Environ 87 des visiteurs de Twitter utilisent aussi Facebook 2

24. In 2020, the buzz rate on Twitter was 0.045%

The engagement rate on Twitter cannot be compared with that of Facebook. On average, it represents almost half of Facebook’s engagement rate. (RivalIQ)

24 En 2020 le taux de buzz sur Twitter etait de 0 045 2
engagement sur twitter

Source : Startupbons

Statistics on the social network Instagram

Check out these Instagram statistics to get an idea of ​​this photo and video sharing network on the internet.

25. The social network Instagram has more than a billion active Internet users on its platform

According to most recent statistics on social media, Instagram has 1.386 billion active Internet users per month on its platform. In addition, nearly 100 million photos and videos are published per day on this social network.

25 Le reseau social Instagram dispose sur sa plateforme plus d un milliard d internautes actifs 3
statistique instagram

Source : Shopify

26. The average engagement rate on Instagram across all industries is 2.84%

The buzz rate on the social network Instagram was 1,22 % in 2020. But taking into account the studies carried out by Hype Auditor, this platform has nearly 2,84 % d’engagement. 

26 Le taux moyen d engagement sur Instagram dans tous les domaines dactivite est de 2 84

27. In a day, visitors spend around 30 minutes on Instagram

Users stayed on Instagram for 26 minutes per day. But with the pandemic preventing them from going out, they spent more time on social media. This is why the duration of visits on Instagram has increased by 4 minutes, i.e. 30 minutes

27 En une journee les visiteurs passent 30 minutes environ sur Instagram 1
La plupart des internautes font pres de 2h30 sur internet 3

Source : Shopify

28. Nearly 50% of users are on Instagram to get information about a new brand

On Instagram, there is at least 25 million businesses who have an account on its platform. This is one of the reasons why more than half of Internet users go to this social network to search for new products that will meet their expectations.

28 Pres de 50 des utilisateurs sont presents sur Instagram pour obtenir des informations sur une n 1

Statistics on the social network TikTok

In the social space, TikTok is growing. In this section, you will have some statistics on this social platform.

29. This year, the number of active users on TikTok is 1.8 billion

There were approximately 1 billion visitors on the social network TikTok in 2021. With global growth, this network currently has nearly 1.8 billion Internet users

29 Cette annee le nombre d utilisateurs actifs sur TikTok est de 1 8 milliard 1

30. Typically, TikTok users come from wealthy families

According to Marketing Charts, more than 40% of TikTok users come from families with a high income which can be estimated at more than 100,000 dollars.

30 Generalement les utilisateurs de TikTok proviennent de familles aisees 1
repartition des utilisateurs adultes americains de tiktok par aghe et par revenu en mars 2020

31. On average, 29% of teenagers in the USA say that TikTok is their social platform of choice

The social network Snapchat is in first place in terms of videos and images with 34% of users. This is why TikTok finds itself in second place with 29% of consumers.

31 En moyenne 29 des adolescents en USA affirment que TikTok est leur plateforme sociale de pref 1

32. The majority of TikTok visitors are aged 18 to 24

Among the new generation of Internet users, young people somehow combine the popularity of TikTok. These users, i.e. a rate of 38,8 %, are therefore enthusiasts of this social network.

32 La majorite des visiteurs de TikTok sont ages de 18 a 24 ans
diagramme utilsateur tiktok et revenu et age 1

Source : Startupbons

Statistics on the social network YouTube

In this part of the article you will have some most relevant YouTube statistics.

33. The social network YouTube has more than 2 billion users per month on its platform

The majority of Internet users connect to YouTube. This platform comes second after Facebook.

33 Le reseau social YouTube dispose sur sa plateforme plus de 2 milliards d utilisateurs par mois

34. YouTube is one of the most used social networks by Internet users worldwide

Globally, YouTube brings together nearly 2.2 billion people per month on its platform in 2022.

34 YouTube est l un des reseaux sociaux les plus utilises par les internautes sur le plan mondial

35. Daily, more than a billion pieces of content are viewed per hour by YouTube users

Thanks to the nature of content posted on YouTube, consumers spend a fair amount of time there. These videos keep users on its platform for more than 10 minutes. In contrast, TikTok and Instagram videos are generally short. (YouTube)

35 Par jours plus d un milliard de contenus sont visualises par heure par les utilisateurs de YouT

36. Watch time on YouTube is around 50%

Videos on YouTube tend to attract the attention of visitors. This is the case for more than half of users who often spend their time on this social network. (Uhuru Network)

36 La duree de visionnage sur YouTube est d environ 50

37. Pinterest is an often overlooked social network

Internet users and even businesses focus much more on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and many other social platforms than on Pinterest. But this is an error.

Pinterest increased its turnover by $1.69 billion in 2020 to reach nearly 447 millions monthly active users in 2021.

Therefore, if you do not pay enough attention to this social network, you might miss the opportunity to have a huge potential audience. (Web marketing)

37 Pinterest est un reseau social souvent neglige


Social networks are one of the most effective means of communication in all sectors of activity. With these social media, you can easily be noticeable on the internet and improve your returns from SMM campaigns.

The statistics presented on social networks show that social platforms are quite visited by Internet users and are advantageous for businesses. So, if you see that these figures presented in this article are worthy of interest, share your opinions with us in the comments. You can also consult the 37 SEO statistics absolutely worth knowing.

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