Mark Twain said:
“Biographies are just the man’s clothes and buttons. The biography of the man himself cannot be written.”
Even though writing a complete biography may prove to be an impossible task, it remains no less important or essential for certain occasions.
That’s because in a world of digital media, prospects and centers of influence base their impression of you and your company on your professional bio.
This makes it possible to present important facts and basic information to visitors about you or your business. This way of presenting yourself to the public gives your business a certain credibility And facilitates the establishment of trust.
To help you easily write a clear, impactful and professional biography, we will cover the following main points in this guide:
- The meaning of a professional biography;
- Its place in a company;
- The different types of biographies;
- Steps and tips for writing it effectively.
By the end of this guide, you will be able to create a very professional and engaging bio for your business.
On commence !
Table of Contents
ToggleChapter 1: What is a professional biography and what are the different types commonly found?
In order to better understand the notion of professional biography, it is first necessary to clarify certain concepts.
1.1. What does a professional biography mean?
A bio provides an in-depth insight into an individual’s private and professional life. For commercial or professional purposes, a professional biography is a useful summary of a person’s achievements.
It is not simply a list of works and journeys, it also illustrates a person’s heritage and its impact on the experiences they have had.
In business, the biography is an important and powerful way to showcase the skills as well as talents of a business owner or author.
Now that you know what exactly a bio means, let’s talk about one’s position in a company.
1.2. How important is a biography in a company?
Although a bio is a tool to describe your skills, it must be placed in the right place to be visible to your target audience.
Essentially, it can be placed:
- On the “About” page’ of your website or blog : Visitors will be able to click on it to find out more about you;
- The Bio, Summary or “About” your social media profiles is what most people will find when they Google your name. You’ll need a longer bio for platforms like LinkedIn and a shorter one for Twitter;

- In all marketing materials, proposals and quotes that you send to potential customers;
- In books, ebooks, reports or documents professional presentations;
- It can also be submitted for public speaking, a presentation or training pitches.
Potential customers and investors expect to read a story about you and your business not only on your website, but also in your marketing materials.
It is also common for a biography to appear on:
- Press releases;
- Investment proposals;
- And professional portfolios.
1.3. What are the types of biographies?
Depending on the field in which a biography is developed, it is possible to identify certain modalities which give rise to a series of types of biography.
They are classified according to:
- The size ;
- The objective ;
- The platform ;
- And others.
There is therefore a wide variety of biographies but the most used are:
1.3.1. Professional biography
Having a correct idea of yourself in the world of work is fundamental. In this type of biography, the content emphasizes the exaltation of the person’s skills, as well as:
- His knowledge ;
- His competences ;
- His experience ;
- His education ;
- The obstacles encountered during his journey;
- Freedom from obstacles thanks to innate or acquired qualities;
- Etc.
In addition to providing the usual information such as date and place of birth, the concepts contained therein depend largely on why you are writing your biography and who you are writing it for.
A professional biography is fundamentally a marketing tool. It allows you to glimpse your potential and makes you captivated by those who want to know a little more about you as a professional.
It must therefore be able to highlight your human and professional qualities in a very succinct and very brief manner.
1.3.2. Authorized biography
This is a biography that has been revised and validated by its author. In fact, once the bio has been reviewed by the principal concerned, this means that everything exposed in its content is approved and authorized for publication.
1.3.3. Unauthorized biography
In this case, the biography has not been reviewed by the author, so may sometimes contain false information.
That is, the bio is published without the approval or permission of the person whose life is being told. Often these types of biographies are part of journalistic activity when it comes to reporting on a public, political or social person.
1.3.4. Informative biography
This type of biography are non-literary texts, because they present facts, biographical data, dates and places that cannot be changed, unless information is obtained supported by legal documents.
This is therefore real data on the person’s life.
An excellent example is the following biography of Gabriel García Márquez, in which we can observe data from his literary works, rather than his personal life:
‘’Gabriel García Márquez was an author, editor, novelist, screenwriter, communicator and one of the most important masters of letters in the world, originally from March 6, 1927, Aracataca, Colombia, son of Luisa Santiago Márquez Iguarán and Gabriel Eligio García. He received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1982.’’
1.3.5. The long biography
The long bio contains the most information about you. It offers a wide range of information not only about you, but also about your professional background.
Typically, this is the type of biography that appears on the ”page. About” from your website, although many choose to use a short bio.

Source : Trinity Mouzon
Sometimes others prefer to use the shorter bio at the top of the page and the longer version near the bottom.
Having a long biography also sometimes helps create engagement with readers from the first reading.
1.3.6. The short biography
A paragraph biography usually accompanies your work skill when shared on the internet or in print, somewhere outside of your own site or blog.

Source : PDF prof
The short bio can be useful if you want a condensed version of your long bio on the first page of your website or at the end of each blog post.
For this type of biography, there are a wide variety of possibilities for use, especially during launches:
- Of books;
- Conferences;
- Opportunities to speak;
- Teaching;
- And interviews.
The short biography is only intended to summarize ‘’Who, what, whereAnd When” which should be expanded into the one-page biography.
It’s also important to note that some people aren’t looking to read a whole story about you, but rather a summary of your skills in order to get to the point. In this case, a short biography would be even better.
1.3.7. Website biography
On your business website, your customers need to find you somehow.
And when they do, they should be able to decide whether you’re qualified enough to make an initial phone call private or schedule an appointment online.
Potential customers may be curious to seek out more information about you and your business. But more importantly, they want to know how these qualifications translate into practical work.
All that interests visitors is your communication style and all the characteristics that differentiate you as a service provider.
This goes through: “Who you are”.
For a good website biography,the first sentences must focus on your role, niche audience, and high-level goals that clients can expect to work on.
The other sentences should talk about your tactical and philosophical approach to achieve these objectives.
1.3.8. Personal or artistic biography
A personal or artistic presentation biography shares the same sense of brevity with the professional biography, but its difference from the latter lies in its objective.
A personal biography doesn’t necessarily serve to only show your best side.
If you have a personal website or are simply asked, “Who are you?” To describe yourself, you must insert into the text everything that reflects you.
A personal biography can therefore relate, for example, certain notions about your family of origin, or some poetic elements which frame you as a human being.
This includes recounting the fundamental passages of your life, whether professional or family.
1.3.9. Autobiography
The protagonist of the biography is the author of the work, so it is written in the first person.
1.4. How to distinguish a professional biography from a personal biography?
Indeed, a biography can be centered on different themes and on this basis, be developed with certain characteristics.

Source : img.yumpu
Take for example a personal biography, written with the pure intention of recounting the life of the protagonist.
Those who read it will have the opportunity to get an idea of:
- The way this person lived;
- What important things he did during his life;
- Who he met and how important these people were to him and influenced his personal choices.
In all this, his professional life will certainly play an important, but certainly not predominant, role.
In the case of the professional biography, the story focuses:
- On the professional activity of the person;
- And what she accomplished during her life.
Let’s think, for example, of the biography of an artist or writer aimed at introducing the reader to his works, his career, his modus operandi at a professional level.
These are biographies written with a very different intention and therefore requiring an equally different approach from the author.
Chapter 2: Why is professional biography important?
Bios are useful in the digital space on business websites and social media profiles, but there are other reasons why everyone should spend time creating one.
You can use a bio on your resume, on your company website, in your portfolio, or on your application.
A bio should quickly explain your most important accomplishments, traits, and qualifications during your career development.
Here are four (04) other advantages of a professional bio:
2.1. Profiling on social platforms
The company biography is exceptionally useful for online marketing professionals when profiling a company.

Not only professional biography gives credibility to your business in the eyes of your audience, but it also allows readers to find you just as quickly when they are looking for experts to speak on certain topics.
The biography on social platforms is indeed a useful resource for showcasing your expertise.
So, when you undertake any form of media relations or are an active brand ambassador for your organization, you need to make sure you write a professional bio on all your social platforms.
2.2. Improve your personal branding
Writing a professional bio should be one of the top tasks any professional should undertake when focusing on their personal brand.

In addition to allowing visitors to identify who you are and what you do, it offers the possibility of filtering anything that would not be an argument to convince the visitor. This improves your credibility and strengthens your reputation.
However, you should keep in mind that your bio is only an indication of what you can do, and for that, you must always live up to the expectations you have set in that bio.
2.3. Differentiate yourself from the competition in your niche
You should already have a strong personal brand at this point or at least work towards one.
A professional bio is a great way to stand out from the crowd and differentiate yourself from others in your industry.
Most marketers do something that someone else is already doing, but what makes what you do different is first and foremost you and your story.
If you’re able to stand out from the competition with a compelling bio, you’re more likely to attract new opportunities and clients.
2.4. Important people use a bio
Some of the most important and successful people on this planet, like Elon Musk, understood and overcame the need for a resume in favor of their professional biographies.

This is not to say that a biography is only for VIPs. If VIPs find bios effective in communicating their core message and value, why shouldn’t you?
Everyone is free to use a biography in their own way to showcase their talents and skills to the public.
Chapter 3: How to Create a Professional Biography?
Write a clear, impactful and professional biography by following these steps:
Step 1. Start by choosing the right name and professional title
Writing a professional biography starts with choosing the right name and professional titles. Different names and titles may change depending on the biography’s purpose and audience.
For example, some people choose to use a different name in their bio instead of their first name. Other professionals use their original last name instead of a new last name acquired after marriage.
You can also include or omit titles such as PR (Pastor), Dr (Doctor), Me (Master or Mistress, Lawyer and other legal professionals), if they apply to you.
Step 2. Decide if you will write your bio in the first or third person
How you refer to yourself is important in a biography. Your biography must be written first or to the third person.
In other words, it should refer to you as:
- “Is” (first person) ;
- or by your Name (third person).
Professional and formal biographies are usually written in the third person, while personal and informal biographies are usually written in the first person.
If you’re writing a bio for work, ask your boss or editor which is most appropriate.
Step 3. Be personal and authentic with yourself
A biography about the author should include personal information about the author. If you are looking for advice on how to write a professional biography, then one thing that experts emphasize is authenticity.
Make sure you don’t present yourself as something you’re not. If you are honest with your readers, they will appreciate you much more.
To increase your authenticity, fill out the real information about yourself. Don’t describe things you think readers want to read about you.
You need to be honest about yourself and what makes you who you are. If someone reads your bio, they want to know who you really are.
Step 4. Choose a high-resolution photo of yourself
A high-resolution photo of yourself must accompany your full professional biography.

Make sure this image sincerely meets the criteria of a professional in his field. For example, avoid taking a selfie or making a funny face.
To do this, you should ask someone else to take your photo, and a natural smile from you would still be an advantage. In other words, make your smile a little less killer.
Also make sure your face takes up the majority of the photo. The photo must be a portrait and not a full body portrait.
Step 5. Use at least three paragraphs for your bio
Every comprehensive biography should have at least three useful sections:
- In the first paragraph of your full bio, Introduce yourself and tell readers how you can help them.
- In the second, start a conversation by including stimulating information or facts related to your journey. You must say why you are credible categorically. This part should be heavily based on simple facts and statements.
- The last section should be a call to action. Ask them to contact you or follow you on social media if they want to know more about you.
Step 6. Provide your current title or professional motto
If you are creating a bio while employed, please indicate your title or your current role, for example “senior associate” or “editor”.
If you are unemployed and creating a bio as part of an online profile, you can indicate your previous role or current experience. For example, you could say “Web Developer” or “Professional Babysitter”.
Step 7. Make sure to mention your subsidiary organization and your achievements with it
Readers also view the author’s professional or educational connections as a means of credibility and scientific importance.
An affiliation can include things like who you work for and where you got your college degree.
This information is standard in a full biography to attribute your work to where you gained your education or experience in the field.
In fact, there are probably things you’ve accomplished in your profession that are worth noting for your credibility and experience. Include a few of these in your bio.
These distinctions show that your efforts are noticed or recognized in one form or another.
The accomplishments listed must occur during the time you are affiliated with the organization you include in the biography.
Step 8. Identify your employer if possible
Identifying your current employer can help your audience get a sense of your experience, of your activity area and your availability or not to work.
After identifying your position, title or function, identify your employer. If you currently have no employer or are self-employed, you can skip this step.
Step 9. Identify your professional and personal goals
For the next step, ask yourself: “What work or life philosophy influences how I succeed?” »
You might consider including the answer in your bio to help the audience understand what motivates you.
For example, if building strong relationships is important to your work, you might write: [ Building strong relationships is the foundation of everything I do, both professionally and personally. …]
Step 10. Include validation about your academic and professional career
One thing readers want to see is validation of your time in college or work (along with your previous jobs and organizations).
You do not need to download a PDF of your diploma or transcripts. Readers also don’t expect you to provide a portfolio of your work during your time with an organization.
Instead of that, list accomplishments accomplished during employment or while completing a college program, such as graduating with honors.

Providing readers with your education level is a great way to show them that you are qualified to speak on a given topic.
For example, where you graduated from college might be a notable thing to include. Authors who write about their academic careers and achievements gain the respect and trust of readers.
THEprevious jobs can also serve as a vital list in your bio. Be sure to include values or a specific goal that you have honed during your time in a given position.
Audiences love to see authors who have done great things in their professional and academic careers. These elements help build trust with your readers.
Step 11. Establish Your Credibility When Writing a Professional Bio
While a professional biography is a tool to establish credibility with readers, it is up to you to write the information accurately.
Your professional reliability is directly linked to a reader’s ability to believe what you provide as information.
Your credibility as a contributor is your name and what you accomplish. If these are called into question, you will then have difficulty finding customers.
Here are the best ways to establish your credibility honestly to better interact with your readers:
11.1. Mention various credentials
Credentials are like a shortcut for readers learning about your professional background. The most common degree included in a professional biography is a university degree or certification of your skills.
In addition, customer testimonials and reviews are quite convincing elements to strengthen your reliability online. ✨
Anything that can help strengthen your skills should appear in your full bio and will be considered credentialing information.
Credentials are also useful for showing that you are sincere about your writing.
11.2. Tell us about your evolution or progress
When you think about how to write a professional biography, it becomes clear that the process is a lot like telling a story.
In any story, you’re tracking someone’s progress to see how far they’ve come. While you shouldn’t go into too much detail about your personal experiences, showing a clear path of progress is one way to provide personal information to readers.
For this reason, many start with their educational career. From there, the details of the accolades obtained in the jobs show that you are becoming a professional.
In short, provide your readers with a growth trajectory in your bio to show them that you have worked hard to be where you are today. Some writers have trouble talking about themselves, but it’s important to overcome it.
This helps the audience see what you have done to become an expert in your field.
11.3. Focus on your values and don’t be afraid to brag (truthfully)
Indeed, all information included in a biography is generally intended to lead the reader to believe that the author is a qualified professional and an expert authority in their field.

Beliefs help connect the audience more effectively to your thought process and create a bond.
Sometimes you should seek to brag about your accomplishments, no one reads a biography expecting the writer to be humble or downplay their accomplishments.
In other words, most readers expect a biography to chronicle the author’s greatest hits.
Step 12. Consider including personal or funny details about yourself
In most cases, you don’t need to share personal information on your bio. However, it can be useful in certain situations to help people better understand you as a whole individual.
Examples of popular personal details in biographies:
- Hobbies ;
- Favorite TV shows, movies or books;
- Information on family life;
- Curious details about habits or interests;
- Unique personal story.
Chapter 4: Four Key Bonus Tips on Writing a Professional Biography
Here are 4 additional tips not to overlook when writing your professional bio:
4.1. Always think about your target audience
That’s right, professional biographies are actually marketing tools. And as with all marketing, you must first think about target audience.
Your professional bio should target the right people.
For example, if you are a freelancer or consultant, your target audience is none other than freelancers because they are potential clients.
According to Kerri Twigg, attentive audience targeting is one of the most overlooked aspects of a biography.
To do this, you need to think about your audience and what may interest them in order to share quickly consumable information with them.
4.2. Be brief
The ideal length of your bio largely depends on its purpose and the platform on which it will be used.
For example,social media platforms limit the usual word count for the bios.
When writing a professional biography for a job search site or a CV, you must try to keep it between 300 and 500 words.
On the other hand, a biography for a professional website can count between 1,500 and 2,000 words. Regardless, it’s generally best to keep your bio as clear and concise as possible.
To help ensure that you only include the most relevant details, it can be helpful to organize your bio so that the most important details appear in the first few paragraphs.
Additionally, you should remove any information that does not benefit the purpose of your bio.
4.3. Be careful what you include in your bio
Since its focus is personal marketing and branding, your biography will be most effective if, like your other career documents, you tailor it to a specific opportunity.
In 250 to 300 words on one page, highlight aspects of your background that show you are highly qualified to speak out on certain topics.
Effective bios typically include the following:
- A professional quality photo;
- Notable former employers;
- Best professional achievements;
- Relevant speeches;
- Special awards and distinctions;
- Credentials, including notable degrees and certifications;
- International experience;
- Spoken languages ;
- Etc.
Professional bios also give you the opportunity to share more personal information or specialized training.
These less common details can help present you as a well-rounded person.
If space allows and is relevant, your bio can also include information about:
- Your family ;
- Your civil status ;
- And your current place of residence.
4.4. First person biography vs. Third person biography
4.4.1. First person
If you are looking to create a personal brand, write to the first person can be a great way to connect with your audience.
When writing a first-person biography, use first-person sentences to make yourself accessible and simple.
Here’s one way to write a biography in the first person:
‘’ I’m a freelance writer specializing in small business content. I have worked with companies in a variety of industries, from home care services to leather goods. ‘’
By speaking in the first person here, you take a more personal approach to connecting with a customer or brand.
4.4.2. Third person
While first-person biographies are quite common, third-person biographies may be more effective in informal situations.
If you’re looking for a job, applying for grants, or trying to get published, it’s generally best to stick to the third person. This will make you appear more assertive and objective about who you are and what you can do.
For example, when writing a biography in the third person, you might start with:
“Jasmine Montgomery is a Senior Hiring Manager at L’Oréal based in New York. It hires diverse business units to connect with the brightest talent around the world.”
By using only your name and pronouns when talking about yourself here, you let your title and skills speak for themselves.
Here is a complete example of a professional bio in the third person:
<< John Sullivan is a human resources specialist with a decade of successful experience recruiting and managing employees. John specializes in HR technology and regularly attends national training sessions to introduce new HR technology trends such as self-service, wellness apps and people analytics tools. A strong believer in the power of positive thinking in the workplace, John regularly runs internal wellness campaigns to support employees with effective mental health techniques. John loves a good Netflix binge, but he can also be found taking long bike rides on bumpy country roads. >>
4.4.3. First person vs. Third person: Which one to choose?
Your decision to write your professional biography in the first or third person depends on whether you want to leave a more personal or assertive impression.
In general, both approaches can be effective when tailored to your goals and the audience you are writing for. The most important thing is to be clear, concise and tell your story in a way that connects with your reader.
To structure your professional bio to stay true to these goals, try our 30+ downloadable professional bio templates, for both short and long bios, to start writing a bio that makes an impact.
Chapter 5: Top 5 examples of professional biography
5.1. Audra simpson : Political anthropologist
Organic platform: Site web personnel
In a classic version of the professional biography, Audra Simpson summarizes her career in just a few paragraphs.
The “why” of her work is highlighted in the first half of her biography, before moving on to how she carries out this work in practice.

The second half of his biography brings together his works and the awards he won for each of them from 2014 to 2020.
This subtle chronology allows readers to get an idea of his experience in the field of political anthropology without listing his CV in detail.
Audra’s professional biography is an example for those of us with many years of experience to communicate, but a strict word limit to write.
5.2. Wonbo Woo : Executive producer
Organic platform: Site web personnel
Wonbo Woo is the executive producer of WIRED’s video content and has several impressive credits to his name.
With this in mind, Wonbo opens his bio starting with the most eye-catching details (if the image below is hard to read, click to see the full version).

Not only does Wonbo’s biography get off to a flying start, it takes the reader on a suspenseful journey through some of his most grueling missions: where he was when the news broke and how he reacted. You can watch this capture below.
The accomplished journalist concludes his gripping biography as forcefully as he began, measuring his experience by the number of states, countries and continents he has traveled over the course of his career.
Overall, this is a fantastically concise biography for as much detail as it contains.
5.3. Lisa Quine : Creative consultant
Organic platform:Portfolio website
Although a picture is worth 1,000 words, a portfolio is very different from a professional biography.
While it can be a challenge for creative professionals specializing in visual arts to tell their stories, Lisa Quine quantifies her creativity to give it a professional bio balance.
Throughout her biography, you will note the number of murals she has completed and a brief timeline of her career so far. This allows us to paint a portrait of the professional she is.

Lisa’s biography meets almost all of our recommendations for a great biography. It starts with her full name, location, and what she does best.
Then, she gets creative by appropriately mentioning the brands she’s worked with and highlighting some of her favorite projects.
With a third-person writing approach, this biography invites the reader behind a metaphorical door to get to know Lisa as:
- Professional ;
- Traveler;
- Learner;
- Marry ;
- And mother.
5.4. Nancy Twine : Founder of Hair Care
Organic platform: Company Website
As the founder and CEO of Briogeo, a wildly popular natural hair care line that has received rave reviews in publications like Allure and InStyle, Twine has no shortage of praise for her.
But she chooses to begin her biography in a more humble way, stating: “Nancy Twine is no newcomer to the beauty sphere in fact, she made her first foray into the world of natural product formulation at the ripe old age of five.“
The rest of her bio also emphasizes Twine’s strengths as someone who can take hair care “back to basics.”
The biography focuses on why Twine made the decision to start her business and what motivates her.

Likewise, you might consider using your personal bio as an opportunity to highlight your larger purpose or vision.
As Twine demonstrates, sometimes it’s best to keep it simple and let your message resonate with the right audience.
5.5. Creapills
Organic platform: Linkedin
This is a short Linkedin description of an advertising company.

He gave most of his experiences and skills before redirecting the reader to his site.
Chapter 6: Other questions asked about a professional biography
6.1. What is the purpose of a biography?
A biography aims to expose the most remarkable data of a person’s life through reliable and precise information, which can be given by the closest environment.
Biographies may or may not have permission from the main character.
6.2. What should a brief professional biography contain?
The 11 key elements to writing the perfect biography are:
- Your name ;
- Your current job title;
- Your professional expertise;
- Your education;
- Your current role;
- Your hometown.
- Your business name or personal brand statement.
- Your personal and professional goals.
- Your 2-3 most impressive and relevant achievements;
- Your professional slogan (if appropriate for the occasion).
- Your hobbies.
Finally, don’t forget to constantly update your bio as necessary.
6.3. How long is a professional biography?
The long biography generally includes between 3 and 5 paragraphs, varying from 3 to 5 sentences each. It’s typically used in the “About” section of business or personal websites.
The short biography is commonly used in other publications, print or online, such as:
- Author biographies at the end of articles or blogs;
- The “About” or “description” section of social networks;
- Or as a listing in a professional directory.
6.4. How do I write a biography for my employer?
- Choose the appropriate name and professional title;
- Decide whether you want to write the biography in the first or third person;
- Indicate your current position or professional slogan;
- Identify your company or employer;
- Identify your professional and personal goals;
- Consider whether to include personal or funny details about yourself.
6.5. Should a biography be in the first person or the third person?
The biography should be authoritative and should reflect the level of professional experience as well as the accomplishments of a person. Information should be written in the third person instead of the first person so that it is useful to the intended audience.
6.6. Does a biography have an introduction?
The introduction being the starting point of a biography, it must instantly capture the reader’s attention. There are several ways to engage readers instantly.
You can start with a quote or saying that can be said by the person you are interested in.
6.8. Is a professional biography the same as a resume?
Professional biographies are completely different from resumes (RESUME). It tells more of a story, whereas a resume provides a long list of career and education highlights.
6.9. What should not be highlighted in a professional biography?
The lie : A biography should never include fabricated achievements, awards, titles or positions.
Besides the obvious moral problem, false claims are easy to disprove in the digital age and the potential fallout from being caught in a lie far outweighs the benefits of exaggerating one’s accomplishments.
In summary
By the time a writer completes a full biography about their work, readers should come away with three impressions.
First, readers should think that he is an expert on the subject he is writing about.
Second, readers must perceive him as an authority in his discipline. ✨
Finally, an author should appear trustworthy in the topic they cover in their articles.
In short, the content of a bio mainly depends on its type and the objective it pursues.
Now, I hope I have cleared your doubts and answered all your questions regarding professional biography. Don’t hesitate to leave me your comments on this content!
Thanks for reading and see you soon!