41 Essential LinkedIn Statistics to Know

LinkedIn, the social network dedicated to professionals, is no longer limited to job searching.

It’s a vast network of opportunities, content sharing, and professional connections.

Its statistics shed light on how it influences the way we do business, find talent, and interact within the professional sphere.

Let’s discover the impact of LinkedIn through its key data.

Table of Contents

Key LinkedIn Statistics

1. LinkedIn is the oldest popular social media (hootsuite

linkedin est le plus ancien des médias sociaux populaires

LinkedIn was launched in 2003, making it one of the oldest social media platforms, having been around for almost 20 years. Most older platforms are experiencing a continued decline in popularity or have even disappeared. However, among the major social media platforms that users visit regularly, LinkedIn is the oldest in operation.

2. LinkedIn has over 985 million users (linkedin)

linkedin compte plus de 985 millions d'utilisateurs

LinkedIn is a leading professional platform, bringing together more than 930 million members from 200 countries and regions around the world.

3. Google is the most followed company on LinkedIn (hootsuite

google la société la plusnsuivie sur linkedin

Google is the second most visited site in the world and the most popular search engine. This fame also translates to LinkedIn, attracting more followers than LinkedIn itself. As of 2022, Google had almost 25 million followers.

4. Every week, more than 61 million users search for job opportunities on LinkedIn (linkedin

chaque semaine plus de 61 millions d'utilisateurs cherchent des opportunités d'emploi sur linkedin

LinkedIn attracts more than 61 million people each week actively looking for a new career opportunity. Thanks to a page dedicated to job searches, candidates can easily find the job of their dreams by using various filters and the resources made available by LinkedIn.

5. The largest number of subscribers on linkedin is held by Bill Gates (Linkedin

 Le plus grand nombre d'abonnés sur linkedin est détenu par Bill Gates

Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft, is the most followed personality on LinkedIn, with more than 35.6 million subscribers.

LinkedIn User Statistics

6. LinkedIn has over 63 million businesses (linkedin)

LinkedIn compte plus de 63 millions d'entreprises

The existence of more than 58 million business profiles demonstrates the diversity of organizations using LinkedIn as a way to promote their brand and attract new talent.

7. More than half of LinkedIn members have at least an undergraduate degree (Statesman

Plus de la moitié des membres de LinkedIn possèdent au moins un diplôme de premier cycle

This figure highlights the importance of education within the LinkedIn community and shows that members are largely professionals with higher levels of education.

8. LinkedIn lists 131,000 educational establishments (linkedin)

LinkedIn répertorie 131 000 établissements scolaires

The number of schools listed on LinkedIn clearly indicates that the platform has become a key player in the education sector, serving as both a showcase for institutions and a point of contact for students seeking educational opportunities.

9. LinkedIn has a predominance of male users (Statesman)

LinkedIn a une prédominance d'utilisateurs masculins

Around 43.7% of LinkedIn users are female, while 56.3% are male. The predominance of male users on LinkedIn, at 56.3%, can be explained by the gender distribution in various professional sectors, as well as the different ways in which men and women use social media.

10. Most LinkedIn users are between 25 and 34 years old (hootsuite.com)

La plupart des utilisateurs de LinkedIn ont entre 25 et 34 ans

The largest age group on LinkedIn is 25-34 year olds, which represents 60% of users. Additionally, about 20% are between the ages of 18 and 24, and almost 18% are between the ages of 35 and 54. Only 2% are aged 55 and over.

This statistic reveals that LinkedIn is particularly popular among young professionals, which may be linked to its common use as a professional networking tool.

LinkedIn Usage Statistics

11. A third of companies’ commitment comes from their employees (LinkedIn

Un tiers de l'engagement des entreprises est le fait de leurs collaborateurs

Businesses post content to generate interest in their company on LinkedIn. However, 30% of readers who like, share, and comment on content are company employees.

12. The average duration of a visit to LinkedIn is just over 7 minutes (similarweb

La durée moyenne d'une visite sur LinkedIn est légèrement supérieure à 7 minutes

This statistic reveals the average duration of a visit to LinkedIn, which is just over 7 minutes. This speaks to users’ engagement on the platform and their interest in content and interactions on LinkedIn.

13. 16.2% of LinkedIn users are active every day (statesman

16,2 % des utilisateurs de LinkedIn sont actifs tous les jours

Nearly 134.5 million users interact daily on LinkedIn. This statistic highlights the significant daily engagement of LinkedIn users, highlighting the platform’s essential role in many individuals’ professional lives.

14. The most popular hashtag on LinkedIn: #India (hootsuite)

Le hashtag le plus populaire sur LinkedIn #Inde

Users can follow hashtags to see content related to relevant topics in their news feed. Currently, #India is the most followed hashtag with 67.6 million followers.

15. Employees are 14 times more likely to share their company content compared to other content they see on the platform (thesocialshepherd)

Les employés sont 14 fois plus susceptibles de partager le contenu de leur entreprise par rapport à d'autres contenus qu'ils voient sur la plateforme

Companies can use this metric to encourage employee engagement on LinkedIn, illustrating the significant impact of their involvement in spreading brand content and increasing visibility on the platform.

LinkedIn Engagement Statistics

16. Live streams generate more engagement than traditional videos (hootsuite)

Les diffusions en direct génèrent plus d'engagement que les vidéos classiques

Live broadcasts on LinkedIn generate seven times more reactions and twenty-four times more comments than traditional videos. This statistic highlights the power of live video to generate engagement, with a significant impact on reactions and comments.

17. Content with images generates twice as much engagement (hootsuite)

Les contenus avec des images génèrent deux fois plus d'engagement

To encourage people to stop and engage with their content, users embed images because these posts see twice the engagement of those without images.

18. Posting every week on LinkedIn doubles engagement (thesocialshepherd)

Publier chaque semaine sur linkedin permet de doubler l’engagement

Posting content regularly is the most effective strategy for boosting engagement because it allows followers to interact with a brand on a regular basis. Additionally, the ideal times to post on LinkedIn are between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m., Wednesday through Friday.

LinkedIn video statistics

19. LinkedIn has 500% more engagement for videos compared to texts (LinkedIn)

LinkedIn présente 500 % d'engagement en plus pour les vidéos par rapport aux textes

This statistic highlights the significant impact of videos on LinkedIn, with an average engagement rate five times higher than standard text posts.

20. Since March 2020, the number of live broadcasts on LinkedIn has increased by 89 (LinkedIn)

Businesses can use this statistic to illustrate the growing relevance of LinkedIn live streams as a real-time communication and information sharing tool.

Depuis mars 2020, le nombre de diffusions en direct sur LinkedIn a augmenté de 89

21. LinkedIn is the third most popular channel for video marketing (Wyzowl)

LinkedIn est le troisième canal le plus populaire pour le marketing vidéo

This statistic highlights LinkedIn’s strong position as a video marketing channel, ranking third behind giants YouTube and Facebook.

LinkedIn Recruiting and Hiring Statistics

22. On LinkedIn, 8 people are recruited every minute (linkedin)

Sur LinkedIn, 8 personnes sont recrutées chaque minute

The ability for recruiters to view candidates’ full profiles, networks, and portfolios on LinkedIn facilitates talent discovery, contributing to the platform’s continued success as a professional recruiting tool.

23. In 2022, an 88% growth in hiring was observed (thesocialshepherd)

En 2022, une croissance de 88% des embauches a été observée

This statistic highlights the importance of maintaining an active presence on LinkedIn, whether as a job seeker or employer, to take advantage of its growing impact on the job market.

24. 57% of job seekers use LinkedIn to find new jobs (Westwood One

57% des chercheurs d'emploi ont recours à LinkedIn pour trouver de nouveaux emplois

Although Indeed is the preferred platform for 62% of job seekers, LinkedIn remains a valuable resource for the majority, reflecting its leading role in online recruiting.

25. LinkedIn Lists Over 40,000 Skills (linkedin)

LinkedIn Répertorie Plus de 40 000 Compétences

The multitude of skills listed shows that LinkedIn is a diverse talent pool, offering recruiters the opportunity to find candidates who precisely match their needs.

26. 67% of recruiters indicate that professionals recruited via LinkedIn are of better quality (Financesonline

67% des recruteurs indiquent que les professionnels recrutés via LinkedIn sont de meilleure qualité

The focus on the quality of candidates hired through LinkedIn highlights the platform’s relevance for finding highly qualified talent, which can be a major benefit for employers.

27. On LinkedIn, 117 applications are submitted every second (linkedin)

Sur LinkedIn, 117 candidatures sont soumises chaque seconde

The sending of more than eight million applications per day on LinkedIn clearly indicates the vitality of the online job market and the relevance of the platform for job seekers.

LinkedIn Advertising Statistics

28. In 2022, ads reached 22 million more users (hootsuite)

En 2022, les annonces ont atteint 22 millions d'utilisateurs de plus

The growth of LinkedIn’s user base has also increased the number of ad impressions. In the fourth quarter, LinkedIn ads saw a 2.8% increase in ad reach compared to the third quarter.

29. LinkedIn is the platform of choice for b2b lead generation for 40% of b2b marketers (LinkedIn)

LinkedIn est la plateforme de prédilection pour la génération de leads b2b pour 40% des spécialistes de marketing B2b

This statistic highlights LinkedIn’s dominant position as the platform of choice for B2B lead generation, with around 40% of B2B marketers reporting it as their most effective channel.

30. Ads on LinkedIn reach more than 14% of the global population (thesocialshepherd)

Les annonces sur LinkedIn touchent plus de 14% de la population mondiale

Advertisers can leverage this statistic to realize the potential of LinkedIn as an effective advertising channel to increase visibility of their brand or products internationally.

31. A 33% increase in purchase intent is observed by companies thanks to advertisements on LinkedIn (LinkedIn

Une augmentation de 33% de l'intention d'achat est observée par les entreprises grâce aux publicités sur linkedin

More than a third of buyers who see a company ad on LinkedIn undertake research about the company with a view to purchasing a product.

32. LinkedIn has twice the conversion rates of other channels (LinkedIn

LinkedIn présente des taux de conversion deux fois supérieurs à d'autres canaux

This statistic demonstrates the effectiveness of LinkedIn as a conversion channel for marketers, with a conversion rate twice as high compared to other channels.

33. 80% of b2b marketing professionals advertise on LinkedIn (hootsuite)

80% des professionnels du marketing b2b font de la publicité sur LinkedIn

The high adoption of LinkedIn by B2B marketers reflects the platform’s ability to provide valuable advertising opportunities to reach audiences of business decision-makers.

LinkedIn Marketing Statistics

34. LinkedIn Reports 150 Million Newsletter Subscriptions in Q1 2023 (hootsuite)

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This statistic highlights LinkedIn users’ growing enthusiasm for newsletters, with 150 million subscriptions recorded during the first quarter of 2023.

35. Nearly Half of Marketers Use LinkedIn (Statesman)

Près de la Moitié des Spécialistes du Marketing Utilisent LinkedIn

About 48.8% of marketers in the United States integrate LinkedIn into their strategies. This rate is constantly increasing, especially among B2B marketers.

36. 77% of marketers agree that they get the best organic results on linkedin (thesocialshepherd)

77 % des spécialistes du marketing s'accordent à dire qu'ils obtiennent les meilleurs résultats organiques sur linkedin

Organic marketing requires in-depth knowledge of the audience and the platform. While some organic strategies, like SEO, are complex and don’t always deliver the expected results, more than three-quarters of marketers say LinkedIn delivers quality organic results.

37. Active LinkedIn Pages See Five Times More Page Views (hootsuite)

 Les pages LinkedIn actives enregistrent cinq fois plus de vues de page

The benefits of active LinkedIn Pages are highlighted, showing that businesses that take the time to fill out their pages in detail and post regularly see significant results in page views.

38. LinkedIn is adopted by 93% of B2B Marketers (hootsuite)

LinkedIn est adopté par 93 % des Spécialistes du Marketing B2B

B2B marketers’ extensive presence on LinkedIn is driven by the platform’s value in terms of access to a large professional user base and advanced filtering and targeting tools.

39. 65 million LinkedIn users play a key role in business decisions (LinkedIn

65 millions d'utilisateurs de LinkedIn jouent un rôle clé dans les décisions d'entreprises

LinkedIn is presented as an essential platform for reaching business decision-makers, with four out of five users having an impact on decisions within their organization.

40. 9 million LinkedIn users opt for creator mode (thesocialshepherd)

 9 millions d'utilisateurs de LinkedIn optent pour le mode créateur

The fact that enabling Creator Mode increases the chances of appearing in search results or on the news feed highlights its role in boosting the visibility of creators on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn Company Statistics

41. Global presence of LinkedIn (thesocialshepherd)

LinkedIn operates with ten offices in the United States and 36 offices around the world, including:

  • Washington, DC
  • Chicago
  • Amsterdam
  • Dublin
  • Tokyo
  • Paris
  • Madrid

These offices employ a total of more than 20,000 full-time employees.

42. LinkedIn’s annual revenue exceeds $15 billion (linkedin)

Le chiffre d'affaires annuel de LinkedIn dépasse les 15 milliards de dollars

LinkedIn has seen tremendous growth, growing from $2.271 billion to over $8.050 billion between 2017 and 2020. This expansion is largely attributed to Microsoft’s acquisition of the platform, which boosted its user base.

43. The largest linkedIn user base is in the United States (linkedin)

La plus grande base d'utilisateurs de linkedIn se trouve aux états-unis

LinkedIn has 233 million users in the United States, which represents a large portion of its total base. The rest is spread across the world.

44. LinkedIn is a global network with users in 200 countries and regions (linkedin)

LinkedIn est un réseau mondial avec des utilisateurs dans 200 pays et régions

This statistic highlights the international scope of LinkedIn, with members present in 200 different countries and regions.

45. LinkedIn is available in 26 languages (linkedin)

 LinkedIn est disponible en 26 langues

LinkedIn is a platform that takes into account the linguistic diversity of its users, with availability in 26 languages, including Arabic, English, Simplified Chinese, Dutch, Japanese, Spanish, Turkish, and more others.

In summary

In conclusion, LinkedIn statistics reveal the extent of its impact in the professional world, from recruitment to lead generation. They highlight the importance of this platform for businesses and professionals.

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