31 Facebook statistics to know

In today’s digital world, Facebook remains the virtual crossroads where billions of connections, shares and discoveries intersect.

With a user base that spans continents and a living influence in everyday life, it’s essential to dive into the key statistics that define the scale of its impact.

This article examines in detail, from monthly active users to advertising trends to video evolution, the 31 essential statistics that paint the dynamic portrait of Facebook.

Let’s break down the numbers behind this social connection platform and explore the implications of this data for our understanding of how Facebook is shaping our contemporary digital world.

Table of Contents

General Facebook Statistics

1-Facebook account 2.93 billion monthly active users

This equates to an increase of 1.3% or 39 million users from the previous year.

2-36.7% of the world population uses Facebook every month

36.7% of the world’s population uses Facebook each month, highlighting the omnipresence of the platform in the daily lives of a large part of the world’s population. This demonstrates Facebook’s dominance as a place to connect and interact for much of global society.

3-Facebook is the 7th mark the most valuable in the world

In 2022, Facebook ranks seventh among giants such as Amazon, Google, and Walmart, with an estimated brand value of $101.2 billion. Apple, on the other hand, ranks first with an estimated brand value of $355.08 billion.

4-Every day, Facebook applications record more than a billion of story publications.

The Stories format continues to be popular across Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp, with 62% of users planning to use Instagram and Facebook Stories more in the future.

5-On Facebook, the peak hours in terms of traffic and engagement are Wednesdays at 9 a.m. and 1 p.m.

Data shows that the highest times for traffic and engagement on Facebook are Wednesdays at 9 a.m. and 1 p.m., highlighting the importance of temporality in posting strategies. This data provides valuable information to maximize the impact of your posts and increase their visibility by targeting times when your audience is most receptive.

Facebook User Statistics

6-Facebook account 2.95 billion monthly active users.

In the third quarter of 2022, Facebook’s total monthly active users approached 3 billion, making it one of the leading apps in the world. This performance is up compared to the previous year, with 2.91 billion users in the third quarter of 2021.

7-67% of users monthly are active daily

Or 1.98 billion daily active users. This means that every day, around two billion people log in and use Facebook.

8-India ranks first in the world in terms of of users on Facebook.

Facebook has 329 million users, which equates to around 23.88% of India’s total population of 1.38 billion. India tops the global ranking of Facebook users, underscoring its leadership in the use of the platform. This statistic highlights the importance of Facebook in the Indian social fabric, illustrating its deep integration and impact on Indian users’ online interactions.

9-More than 72% of users of Facebook also use YouTube, WhatsApp and Instagram.

More than 72% of Facebook users also use YouTube, WhatsApp and Instagram, a statistic that reveals the close connection between these social media platforms. It highlights the complementary nature of these services in the digital ecosystem, highlighting that users often explore different platforms to satisfy their online needs.

10-Approximately 66 % of the UK population uses Facebook.

Around 66% of the UK population uses Facebook, indicating high usage of the platform in the country. This statistic highlights the high propensity of Brits to use Facebook as a tool for communication and social connection, highlighting its significant impact on their daily lives.

11-Facebook is used by about 70% American adults.

The proportion of adults in the United States having an account on Facebook is around 70%, which demonstrates the predominant position of this platform in the field of social networks. This indication highlights the importance of Facebook in the online lives of American adults and highlights its essential role in the country’s digital landscape.

12-Facebook records an average of 1.62 billion visits per day.

On average, 1.62 billion users visit Facebook every day, illustrating the scale and consistency of the platform’s use in users’ daily lives. This statistic highlights users’ loyalty and commitment to regularly logging into Facebook, highlighting the central role Facebook plays in their digital lives.

13-Each Facebook user generates average income of $9.41 for the platform.

The average revenue per user on Facebook is $9.41, highlighting the platform’s effectiveness in leveraging its audience. This statistic demonstrates the economic value of users to Facebook, highlighting the platform’s ability to turn user interactions into meaningful revenue.

14-Among its 2.7 billion monthly active users, Facebook estimates that 5% are fake accounts at one point.

Facebook estimates that about 5% of its 2.7 billion monthly active users have fake profiles, underscoring the scale of the platform’s problem with fake accounts. This statistic highlights the importance of Facebook implementing more effective measures to identify and remove fake accounts to ensure a more trusted and secure online environment for users.

15- On daily average, the platform erases 7.7 million fake accounts.

On average, 7.7 million fake profiles are removed every day, highlighting the importance of continuous monitoring of platforms to control the presence of fake accounts. This statistic highlights Facebook’s commitment to maintaining an authentic and safe online ecosystem by taking proactive steps to eliminate fake profiles.

Facebook Mobile Stats

16- Every day, Facebook users on mobile spend on average 57 minutes on the app.

On a monthly basis, users spend an average of 28 hours on the Facebook app, which equates to 14 days per year, or a total of approximately 20,000 minutes per year.

17- 98.5% of users of Facebook access the platform via mobile devices, and 81.5% limit access to the social network to their phone.

98.5% of Facebook users access the platform from a mobile device, highlighting the importance of the mobile experience for the social network. 81.5% of respondents use mobile phones only, highlighting their heavy reliance on the platform via mobile devices and highlighting the importance of a mobile-friendly interface for Facebook.

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18- 88% of users of Facebook use the platform via mobile devices.

88% of Facebook users choose a mobile device to access the platform, a statistic that highlights users’ strong preference for mobile experiences. This highlights the need for Facebook to continue investing in improving and optimizing its mobile interface to ensure the best user experience.

19- Only 1.5% of Facebook users own only a desktop computer, while 16.7% own both a desktop computer and a mobile phone.

Of its 2.85 billion monthly active users:

  • 98.5% / 2.8 billion people access Facebook from mobile devices such as phones and tablets
  • 81.8% / 2.33 billion people access Facebook exclusively via mobile
  • 16.7% / 476 million people access Facebook from mobile phones and computers
  • 1.5% / 43 million people access Facebook only from a laptop or desktop computer

Facebook Ads Statistics

20-The average cost per ad recorded a drop of 18% during the third quarter of 2022.

The average price per ad fell 18% in Q3 2022, indicating a shift in the platform’s advertising dynamics. This decline may be a deliberate strategy to attract more advertisers, or the result of a reassessment of advertising costs in response to fluctuations in demand or competition on the platform.

21-Among the marketing professionals of social media, 93% integrate Facebook ads into their campaigns.

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With 93% of social media marketers using Facebook ads, the platform has become an important pillar of online advertising strategies. This statistic highlights the popularity and perceived effectiveness of Facebook ads among industry professionals.

22-In the third quarter of 2019, advertising impressions had increased by 37%

While Facebook’s monthly active users and ad impressions continued to increase, the average price per ad fell 6%.

23-About a third, i.e. 33.3% of the world’s population is elderly over 13 years old, is affected by advertisements broadcast on Facebook.

Reaching 33.3% of the global population aged 13 and over, Facebook Ads are the primary distribution tool for reaching a large audience. This statistic highlights the importance of the platform in the advertising strategies of companies targeting a global audience.

24-The Facebook advertising audience is made up of 56.4% men.

Since there are only gender options (male and female) on Facebook, an estimated 43.6% of the audience is female.

25- Advertising spending by advertisers in the United States on Facebook will reach $58.11 billion for the year 2022.

U.S. advertisers expect ad campaigns on Facebook to reach $58.11 billion in 2022, highlighting the platform’s strategic importance in advertising budgets. It also shows that Facebook remains the top choice for advertisers looking to reach and engage their target audiences.

Facebook Video Statistics

26-More than 140 billion Reels are played every day in Facebook apps.

This figure was shared in October 2022 and represents an increase of more than 50% compared to May 2022. The growing popularity of reels demonstrates the urgency of developing strategies specific to reels on the Facebook platform.

27-Videos represent 15.1% content from Facebook.

Facebook users watch an average of 100 million hours of video content every day worldwide. The platform also records more than 8 billion video views every day.

28-A 15% increase in reel watch time was seen thanks to the introduction of a new AI-based recommendations model.

The 15% increase in reel watch time after adopting an AI-based recommendation model demonstrates the effectiveness of this technology in driving engagement. This statistic highlights the importance of personalized AI-powered recommendations to maximize time spent on the platform.

29-Videos have the engagement rate highest on Facebook

The current photo engagement rate is 4.36%, while the status engagement rate is 1.66%. Video, on the other hand, has an estimated engagement rate of 6.04%.

30-A recent study showed that 85% of Facebook videos are watched without sound.

Running a silent video on Facebook poses a challenge to grab users’ attention. This statistic highlights the crucial importance of designing impactful and engaging visual content to pique your audience’s interest from the first second.

31-Square format videos on Facebook record on average 35% more views compared to videos in landscape format.

There is a 35% difference in views between square and landscape videos on Facebook, highlighting the importance of format in content performance. This statistic highlights the advantage of square videos, showing that they are better at capturing users’ attention, likely due to their better visual fit and higher engagement potential on the platform.


In conclusion, these figures from Facebook reveal a fascinating panorama of the social network, how closely it is linked to our digital daily lives. From usage peaks to advertising growth, each figure reveals an important aspect of the complex network that Facebook weaves.

But beyond the data, we also thought about our own role as participants in this connected experience. Facebook’s global reach offers opportunities but also challenges.

As users who understand how Facebook continues to redefine our digital landscape, we have a responsibility to navigate this ocean of statistics wisely and consider the future.

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