66 Video statistics to know

Video has reached a fairly remarkable level of popularity in recent decades. It has become an essential tool for entertainment and information sharing.

Today, video content is used in most sectors of activity. This allows companies to be more visible and Internet users to enrich their knowledge in any sector of activity.

Knowing that these contents are viewed by 83 % Internet users, it is therefore important that marketers regularly use it in their marketing strategy to increase the conversion rate on their site.

For this, we have established in this mini guide a list of 66 video statistics which will certainly allow you to better understand the importance of videos on a website.

How important is a video?

The video is one of the most published types of content on social networks or inserted into a web page to give the real image of an idea that we wish to develop. It helps in various areas such as:

  • Advertising announcements;
  • Training ;
  • Entertainment;
  • Le marketing digital ; 
  • Etc. 
pourquoi la video

In fact, more than 22 billion videos are viewed in one day by Internet users. This is one of the reasons why the majority of businesses and marketing professionals pay special attention to videos.

Thanks to these contents, they can easily achieve their goal which consists of making their brand and their service known globally.

So, it is essential that the videos are quality, instructive And fun to allow Internet users to pay particular attention to the information conveyed.

Interesting statistics on the importance of videos

As announced a little above, thevideos are some of the best content which offer enough advantages to:

  • Businesses;
  • Internet users;
  • Marketers;
  • And communicators.

Thanks to video content published on social platforms, the latter can easily gain visibility.

Based on site data Play Play, I present to you 9 main statistics that will allow you to better understand the importance of video content.

1. Videos lead people to spend enough time on websites and social networks.

1. Les videos amenent les internautes a passer assez de temps sur les sites internet et les reseaux

2. Videos allow businesses to have more than 66% of leads or potential customers on their site.

2. Les videos permettent aux entreprises davoir plus de 66 de leads ou de clients potentiels sur

3. More than 88% of companies who insert video content on their site obtain a good return on investment.

3. Plus de 88 des entreprises qui inserent les contenus video sur leur site obtiennent un bon reto

4. Web pages that contain video content about a brand or product are often visited by people.

4. Les pages web qui contiennent des contenus video sur une marque ou un produit sont souvent visite

5. Video content reinforce notoriety of most companies. This has been proven by over 70% of companies.

5. Les contenus video renforcent la notoriete de la plupart des entreprises. Cela a ete prouve par p

6. Videos help customers better understand the products or services a company offers. Nearly 97% of marketing experts confirmed this.

6. Les videos aident les clients a mieux apprehender les produits ou services que propose une entrep

7. Good video content published on a social network keeps 37% of Internet users on the platform throughout their viewing time.

7. Un bon contenu video publie sur un reseau social maintient 37 des internautes sur la plateforme

8. The majority of people who watch videos online retain approximately 95% of the message delivered in the video content.

8. La grande partie des personnes qui regardent les videos en ligne retiennent approximativement 95

9. Videos generally motivate consumers to purchase a product. This is the case for 44% of Internet users who, after viewing a video related to their query, are more likely to move on to the purchasing stage.

9. Les videos motivent generalement les consommateurs dans lachat dun produit. Cest le cas de 44

With this data, you can see that videos are interesting content that provides a better return on investment.

Video Type Statistics

Videos that provide information about a brand or product are the most common in the field of digital marketing. Here are some numbers on video types.

types de video

10. Videos are interesting content to view. They are more preferred than texts and audios. In fact, this observation has been proven by 83% of Internet users. (TechSmith)

10. Les videos sont des contenus interessants a visualiser. Ils sont plus preferes que les textes et

11. More than half of consumers, i.e. 94 % of the latter, look at the explanatory videos to better understand a service or product.

11. Plus de la moitie des consommateurs soit 94 de ces derniers regardent les videos

12. More than 62 % Businesses use explainer videos to get more traffic.

12. Plus de 62 des entreprises font usage des videos explicatives pour obtenir plus de trafic

13. Approximately 33 % agencies create videos that are related to the services offered.

13. Environ 33 des agences creent des videos qui sont en relation avec les services proposes.

14. On average, 80 % of the most famous companies make stories on social platforms

14. En moyenne 80 des entreprises les plus connues font des stories sur les plateformes sociales

15. Internet users prefer videos that have specific content. In other words, on a percentage of 100:

  • 43% like to watch history videos ; 
  • 30% prefer to visualize the event videos ; 
  • And 27% watch webcasts, i.e. online programs or activities. (Renderforest)
les video en direct que les gens aiment le plus regarder

16. Nearly 93% of marketing professionals say that social videos increase the conversion rate of their business. (Play Play)

16. Pres de 93 des professionnels du marketing affirment que les videos sociales augmentent le tau

17. Nearly 37% of business leaders think that the most relevant videos are those that entertain people. This is not the case for 44% of companies who find explanatory videos the most effective. (Renderforest)

les videos qui recoivent le plus dengagement en ligne

Social media video statistics

Social networks or websites are video sharing platforms.Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter… are part of social networks which have video content on their platforms.

The statistics discussed in this section emphasize the global consumption of social media videos.

18. Videos posted on social media generate 30 % d’interactions than the images online.

18. Les videos publiees sur les medias sociaux generent 30 dinteractions que les images en ligne

19. Businesses tend to share videos on social media according to their preference:

  • 71% of agencies put their videos on social media ; 
  • 63% share their videos onYouTube ;
  • 50% publish them on their site internet 
  • 11% put them on Vimeo.

20. Videos get enough engagement on social platforms. This was proven by 74% of companies

20. Les videos obtiennent assez dengagements sur les plateformes sociales. Cela a ete prouve par 74

21. More than 60% of marketers consider social media as the best video posting channel. (Teester)

21. Plus de 60 des marketeurs considerent les medias sociaux comme le meilleur canal de publicatio

22. Per month, nearly 56% of companies share at least five videos on social networks. So, on:

  • You Tube, environ 90 % Internet users are on this network to watch videos;
  • Instagram, near 38 % are on this social media to view the videos;
  • Facebook, more than 51 % are present to view the videos. (Play Play)

In fact, marketers often ask themselves: what is the ideal social platform for a better video marketing campaign?

To find out, take inspiration from the data presented below on video content published on social networks.

Facebook videos

Facebook is a social platform that allows its users to:

  • Exchange messages;
  • Create groups;
  • Promote a brand;
  • Share files, videos;
  • Etc.

Here are some figures that show its importance.

23. Facebook’s video platform is visited by 75 million users in one day. (Adweek)

23. La plateforme video de Facebook est visitee par 75 millions dutilisateurs en une journee

24. Users spend 5 times more time on Facebook videos than on static content, i.e. videos that do not change. (Facebook)

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25. More than 62% of Internet users are often interested in a product placed in the story Facebook. (Marketing Land)

25. Plus de 62 des internautes sinteressent souvent a un produit mis dans le story Facebook

26.  Most agencies, a rate of 81 % companies, use the Facebook platform to make their advertising campaign

26. La plupart des agences soit un taux de 81 des entreprises utilisent la plateforme de Facebo

27. The organic traffic of Facebook images is lower than that of a Facebook video. These videos actually have an organic reach of around 135%. (Socialbakers)

27. Le trafic organique des images Facebook est moins eleve que celui dune video Facebook. Ces vid

28. The engagement rate minimum of a video posted on Facebook is 6%. This is not the case for photos which have a buzz percentage of around 4.8%. (We Are Social)

28. Le taux dengagement minimum dune video postee sur Facebook est de 6 . Ce qui nest pas le ca

YouTube videos

YouTube is the platform that receives enough quality videos on its platform. With this platform, marketers can easily do the video marketing of their brand.

29. In one month, there are more than 2 billion people on YouTube.

29. En en mois il existe plus de 2 milliards de personnes presentes sur YouTube

30. Like Google, YouTube is the second largest search engine, the most used by Internet users and the second most visited site by the latter. (Alexa)

30. A linstar de Google YouTube est le second moteur de recherche le plus utilise par les internau

31. People aged 18 to 49, or 80% of these people, are regularly on the YouTube platform every month. (Think With Google)

31. Les personnes de 18 a 49 ans soit 80 de ces gens sont regulierement sur la plateforme de You

32. On average, at least 500 YouTube videos are downloaded by Internet users within an hour.

32. En moyenne au moins 500 videos YouTube sont telechargees par les internautes en une heure

So, to give an agency the visibility it deserves, don’t forget to include the YouTube network in your video platforms.

Instagram videos

Instagram is one of the well-known social networks when it comes to videos. Here are the numbers that prove it.

33. A video published on Instagram generates on average 150 interactions, that is to say it gets enough comments, likes, shares, etc. (HubSpot)

33. Une video publiee sur Instagram genere en moyenne 150 interactions cest a dire quelle obtient

34. Stories that are posted on Instagram are seen by 500 million users

34. Les stories qui se font sur Instagram sont vues par 500 millions dutilisateurs

Twitter videos

Like these social media,Twitter is also in the list of video platforms.

35. In 2022, the number of videos viewed on the social platform of Twitter increased by more than 220%, unlike previous years.

35. En 2022 le nombre de videos vues sur la plateforme sociale de Twitter a augmente de plus 220 1

36. A video posted on Twitter is retweeted three times more than an image. (The Core)

36. Une video publiee sur Twitter est trois fois plus retweetee quune image

37. Internet users who watch a video about a product on Twitter have a 70 % chance of remembering the brand.

37. Les internautes qui regardent une video sur un produit sur Twitter ont 70 de chance de se souv

Videos LinkedIn

LinkedIn is one of the most famous professional social platforms in the world. The statistics below give you a little more insight into its place in the implementation of video marketing strategies.

38. On LinkedIn, Internet users spend less time on static content and three times more time on videos. (LinkedIn)

38. Sur LinkedIn les internautes passent moins de temps sur les contenus statiques et trois fois pl

39. Around 28% of marketers believe that LinkedIn is one of the best platforms for their profession. (eMarketer)

39. Environ 28 des marketeurs estiment que LinkedIn fait partir des meilleures plateformes pour le

40. The video marketing campaigns that are done on the LinkedIn platform receive an engagement rate of  50 %.

40. Les campagnes de marketing video qui se font sur la plateforme de LinkedIn recoivent un taux de

Snapchat videos

Snapchat is the social network of choice for adolescents and young people because of its creative and entertaining side.

41. Next to 71 % users under 25 are present on Snapchat. So, this social network is the ideal platform if your target audience is young people.

41. Pres de 71 des utilisateurs de moins de 25 ans sont presents sur Snapchat. Alors ce reseau so

42. On the platform of Snapchat, nearly 10 billion videos are viewed every day (Bloomberg)

42. Sur la plateforme de Snapchat pres de 10 milliards de videos sont vus tous les jours

In all, from these figures, you will have noticed that social networks play a vital role in the success of advertising campaigns

Video viewing time statistics

The viewing time of a video matters to Internet users. In this section, you will have the statistics on video viewing time.

43. Videos that last at least two minutes are viewed more by consumers. This was stated by 47 % of companies.

43. Les videos qui durent au moins deux minutes sont plus visualisees par les consommateurs. Cela a

44. Per day, 55 % of people watch videos and 78% view them per week.

44. Par jour 55 des gens regardent des videos et 78 les visualisent par semaine.

45. People are quite present on YouTube in the meantime from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m to watch the videos.

45. Les personnes sont assez presentes sur YouTube dans lintervalle de 20 h a 23 h pour regarder le

46. The length of a video depends on the social network on which it will be posted. For example,

  • On Instagram, the maximum time for a video is 30 seconds ; 
  • On Twitter, the best duration is45 seconds ;
  • On Facebook, videos last on average 60 seconds ;
  • On YouTube you can find thelong videos
La duree video ideale pour chaque plateforme

47. The duration of viewing videos varies depending on each Internet user and the quality of the content.

  • During 30 minutes,43 % of consumers watch videos
  • Within one hour,34 % view videos on social media;
  • And in one day, more than 23 % are regularly active on these networks.
temps que les gens passent quotidiennent a regarder des videos

48. The majority of Internet users watch at least two videos per week. They especially prefer videos that last around 19 minutes. (Renderforest)

48. La grande partie des internautes regardent au moins deux videos par semaine. Ils preferent surto

49. Sites that do not have video on their content page have a visit duration of less than two minutes than sites with video. (Merchant)

49. Les sites qui ne disposent pas de video sur leur page de contenu ont une duree de visite de moi

Video Marketing Statistics

The video marketing is one of the best tools allowing marketers and communicators to convince their customers of the merits of their service.

The statistics covered in this article on video marketing will give you more details on its effectiveness in advertising campaigns.

50. Marketers believe that video is one of the best types of content which provide a good return on investment. Thus, 73% of them state with conviction that videos have no negative impact on their ROI. (Tubular Insights)

51. In 2020, 93% of marketers tend to use video in their advertising campaign and receive at least 27% clicks. (vidyard)

51. En 2020 93 des marketeurs ont tendance a utiliser la video dans leur campagne publicitaire et

52. Videos included in emails are viewed by 44% of users, increasing click-through percentage by up to 300%. Despite this, only 25% of agencies include videos in their email marketing. (Hubspot)

44 des gens disent qu ils regarderaient une video induse dans un email

53. In 2020, 92% of marketers say that video is an element to take into account when implementing their marketing strategy. (HubSpot)

Video Advertising Statistics

The video advertising is one of the most effective ways to:

  • Increase the lead rate;
  • Improve brand awareness;
  • And be noticeable in the competitive market.

In this part of the article, you will get a clear idea about how video ads can renovate your marketing strategy. 

54. Videos are often made for a specific purpose. Therefore, companies looking to promote their brand or to sell a product use videos to easily attract customers

To make these videos:

  • Nearly 75% of companies rely on online platforms
  • Around 16% use a design team ; 
  • Other companies hire freelancers

55. A video ad returns nearly 65 % of consumers on the company’s website. This allows agencies to have nearly 66% of leads additional in one year.

55. Une publicite video renvoie pres de 65 des consommateurs sur le site de lentreprise. Cela per

56. Video advertising is one of the effective ways to discover a new customer brand. To do this, nearly 88% of marketers plan to use YouTube, Facebook and LinkedIn to make video ads. (Play Play

le marketing video sur les reseaux sociaux en 2020

SEO video statistics

The SEO of a site is done according to very specific criteria. Among these are videos. Their presence on web pages makes it possible to optimize a site web. Here are some statistics that support this claim.

57. The majority of agencies, 58%, have at least one video on their web page, which allows them to have more than 86% conversion. (Renderforest)

57. La majorite des agences soit 58 ont au moins une video sur leur page web ce qui leur permet

58. More than half, or 62%, of searches on Google contain a video (Marketing Land)

58. Plus de la moitie soit 62 des recherches effectuees sur Google contiennent une video

59. Video increases search traffic on a website three times more (Conversion XL). This was justified by 78% of users.

59. La video augmente trois fois plus le trafic de recherche sur un site internet Conversion XL

60. A website that contains at least one video on its Landing Page has 53 times more chances of ranking in the first pages of search engine results (SERP). (Insivia

si il y a une video sur la page daccueil de votre site vous etes 53

Mobile video statistics

Videos are watched on any type of mobile device. So I present to you some data on the devices that Internet users use to view videos.

60.  In 2020, 75% of videos are viewed on mobile. (eMarketer)

60. En 2020 75 des videos sont visionnees sur mobile

61. Generally, mobile devices are the most used for watching videos. On 100%:

  • 63% view videos on phone;
  • 30% watch videos on computer;
  • And 7% of Internet users on Tablet.
dispositifs que les gens utilisent pour regarder des videos

62. YouTube represents almost 37% of global traffic on mobile devices.

62. YouTube represente pres de 37 du trafic mondial sur les appareils mobiles

63. The majority of videos viewed by 92% of mobile users are often shared with other users.

63. La majorite des videos visionnees par 92 des mobinautes sont souvent partagees avec dautres u

64. More than 60 % of Internet users prefer to watch videos online rather than on television sets.

64. Plus de 60 des internautes preferent regarder les videos en ligne que sur les postes televises

65. Approximately 93% of Twitter videos are viewed on mobiles.

65. Environ 93 des videos Twitter sont visualisees sur les mobiles

66. YouTube videos are viewed by the majority of Internet users from their mobile. This was proven by 70% of users

66. Les videos YouTube sont vues par la majorite des internautes a partir de leur mobile. Cela a ete


Videos are content that is involved in the creation of a good advertising campaign. They allow companies to be visible on the internet.

Thanks to videos, web content can be optimized and sites can easily be found in the first pages of searches.

Despite all these advantages that videos offer for the business to prosper, 83% of marketing professionals still have difficulty integrating them into their advertising strategy.

Several platforms like Play Play offer efficient and fast video tools for designing your videos.

So, if the statistics presented in this section interest you and you have already experimented with a video editing tool, give us your impressions in the comments.

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